
Sr isotope method is independent of facies and latitude and may not require the high sample density of paleomagnetic and stable isotopic methods .
In this paper , two weathered profiles of 9.47m and 5.4m deep are made as example for the study on the application of paleomagnetism dating to terra rossa profiles .
Attempting to determine the attitude of buried rocks by means of PALEOMAGNETISM
In this paper authors narrated paleomagnetism method of relative and absolute motion of terrane and at the same time indicated their inadequacy .
In that case , it will enable us to get more reliable amounts of the rotation of the block around the vertical axis , and that of the tilting of the strata around the horizontal axis , based on paleomagnetic method .
So far , many methods have been used for studying the in-situ direction of oilfields and every method has its advantages and disadvantages . This thesis focuses on the method that predicts in-situ stress orientation for wells using differential strain analysis ( DSA ) and palaeomagnetic orientation .
Progress in techniques for bore hole paleomagnetic research
Unlike the standard palaeomagnetic method , it can be used in complex tectonic areas where the precise structure is not known and on samples for which the age is not known .
The indoor test of ground stress was conducted by means of Kaiser Effect Test , DSA Test , and Paleomagnetic Test and so on , thus obtaining a lot of test data .