
  • 网络The Old Song;The Ancient Song
  1. 一首古老的歌不断在我的意识中涌现

    An old song kept obtruding upon my consciousness .

  2. 一首古老的歌不断在我的意识中涌现。

    A old song kept obtruding upon my consciousness .

  3. 想音韵一样古老的歌

    Song as old as rhyme

  4. 人们就像一首古老的歌中所唱的那样:“圣帕特里克节,我们大家都欢畅。”

    The people try in every way to do as the old song tells them : " Saint Patrick 's Day , we 'll all be very gay . "

  5. 很多年以前,当我还是头小猪时,我母亲和其他母猪经常唱一只古老的歌,那支歌,连她们也只记得个曲调和头三句歌词。

    Many years ago , when I was a little pig , my mother and the other sows used to sing an old song of which they knew only the tune and the first three words .

  6. 这周他们教我们唱一些非常古老的恐龙歌。

    This week they taught us to sing some very old dinosaur songs .

  7. 古老的那首歌。

    A song of old ages .

  8. 古老的传说,古老的歌韵,美女与野兽。

    Tale as old as time , Song as old as rhyme , beauty the beast .