
  • 网络old town;Gucheng District;ancient city;historic district
  1. 古城区内古建筑的保护与消防规划构想

    Fire Protection and Conservation Planning of Ancient Buildings in Old Town

  2. 上海松江假日酒店是由全球知名的洲际酒店集团管理的国际商务酒店,坐落于松江古城区中心,贸易商圈、金融广场和历史文化景点均近在咫尺。

    As the first international branded hotel in the old town centre of Songjiang District , Holiday Inn Shanghai Songjiang is managed by renowned InterContinental Hotels Group .

  3. 以苏州市古城区水环境实时监控系统为背景,基于智能Agent和Web服务的思想,提出了一类数据汇聚与发布服务的模型并予以实现。

    Based on intelligent Agent and Web services , this paper presents a model of the data integration and release service , which is implemented and applied in the water environment real-time supervisory control system in the old city zone of Suzhou , Jiangsu .

  4. 卢森堡城的古城区及要塞

    The City of Luxembourg : Its Old Quarters and Fortifications

  5. 古城区隐蔽工程施工中的障碍物及其排除法

    Obstacle and Remove During Concealed Construction in Old Building Area

  6. 所建造的幻影般的长廊,古城区那些文艺复兴时期的宫殿的庭院将对外开放。

    where the courtyards of Renaissance palaces will be open .

  7. 西安古城区传统民居形态研究

    Form Study on Xi'an Traditional Dwellings in the Ancient City Zone of Xi'an

  8. 广州古城区旅游商品开发的思考

    Thoughts on the Development of Tourist Commodities in the Old Urban Districts of Guangzhou City

  9. 植物浮床技术对苏州古城区河水净化效果及规律研究

    Purifying Effects and Rules Research on River Water in Suzhou Ancient District by Plant Floating-bed Technology

  10. 城市定量火灾安全评估方法&以苏州古城区为例

    On Quantitative Assessment of Urban Fire Prevention & Taking Suzhou Ancient Downtown Area as a Fit Example

  11. 常熟市古城区河流水质卫生细菌学调查

    A Bacteriological Survey on the Water Conditions of the Rivers Inside the Old Part of Changshu City

  12. 苏州古城区地面温度分析及在城市规划中的作用

    Analysis of Land Surface Temperature in Ancient City Area of Suzhou and Its Role on City Planning

  13. 历史文化名城的绿色交通研究&以大同市古城区为例

    Study on Green Urban Traffic of Historic City & Taking the Old City Zone of Datong as Example

  14. 最后得到定量评估古城区防火安全属于中等程度的结论。

    The quantitative assessment indicates that the overall fire prevention grade in the downtown area is the middle level .

  15. 大量的文物古迹、历史街巷作为规划固化物制约着古城区交通条件的改善。

    A large number of cultural relics , historical streets as planning cured restricts the improvement of traffic conditions .

  16. 云南省丽江市古城区农村居民冠心病的经济负担研究

    Study on the Economic Burden of Coronary Heart Disease in a Rural area of Li Jiang , Yunnan Province

  17. 人口老龄化已成为当前和今后相当长一段时期内社会面临的重大问题,苏州市古城区亦是如此。

    Population aging has become a major social issue that need to face in old district of Suzhou in a long period .

  18. 苏州古城区体现了完整的古老文化和传统艺术的结合,是重点保护的核心区域。

    As the key protect zone of Suzhou , the archaic city perfectly integrates both the old culture and the old arts .

  19. 城市老城区公共交通发展策略和模式研究&以苏州市古城区为例

    Research on Development Strategies of Public Traffic in the Old City Zone & Taking the Old City Zone of Suzhou as an Example

  20. 城市防火安全评价采用的是模糊综合评判方法(以苏州古城区的防火安全评价为例)。

    The method of Fuzzy comprehensive assessment has been used for city fire protection assessment and an example of SuZhou old city was obtained .

  21. 随着新一轮保定城市规划的深入,保定市古城区裕华路如何建设发展成为保定旧城发展的关键。

    Along with new turn Baoding urban planning thorough , how does the Baoding old city area yuhua road construct develops into the Baoding old city development key .

  22. 在苏州古城区内各行业和功能区抽取典型样本进行研究,对各指标赋值。

    Within the old downtown area of Suzhou , various trades and function districts are sampled on a representative study basis and all the targets thereof are evaluated .

  23. 扬州市古城区由于地质条件复杂,在时代广场工程深基坑施工过程中,出现支护位移过大、坑底冒水现象,危及周围建筑物的安全。

    Due to complicate geological condition of ancient city , the displacement of supporting systems and piping was very large , which endangered the safety of the buildings nearby .

  24. 尤其对于苏州古城区滞流型的黑臭河道,在高温季节运用曝气复氧来改善水环境具有较好的可行性和优越性。

    Using aeration technology is feasible to improve the water environment to the black , odor and slow-flowed river in Suzhou old city zone in the season of high temperature .

  25. 某高层建筑岩溶地基综合地基处理古城区复杂地基大型深基坑的施工与加固技术

    Multiple Foundation Treatment for a Tall Building on Complicated Geological Condition in the Karst Area Technique of Construction and Strengthening for Foundation Pit in Complicate Geological Condition of Ancient City

  26. 随着古城区旅游、商业等功能的确立,进一步的古城保护与旅游开发将带来更多的交通需求。

    With the establishment of the ancient city of tourism , commercial and other functions , the protection of the historical area and tourism further development will bring more traffic demand .

  27. 在古城区建筑地基上部,广泛赋存以炉灰渣为主要成分的杂填土,其厚度不一。

    On the upper part of foundation in the ancient city , there is a large number of miscellaneous fill which is mainly composed of stove ashes and is variable in thickness .

  28. 研究的主要内容包括:对苏州古城区径流污染特征进行调查,确定模拟试验的用水水质;

    The contents of the study were included : the confirmation of water quality used in the simulation experiment by the investigation to the pollution characteristics of overland flow in the ancient city ;

  29. 利用苏州市古城区南园河底泥柱状样,研究了不同疏浚深度下,底泥中营养物氮和磷的释放规律。

    The regularities of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients released from the sediment of the Nanyuan River in Suzhou City at different depths of sediment dredging were studied by use of cylindrical specimens from the sediment .

  30. 城市古城区是城市结构的核心地区,是城市历史有形的见证,是城市公共建筑和第三产业的集中地。

    The historical urban area is the core area of the city structure , which is the tangible testimony of the city history and the concentration of the city public buildings and the tertiary industry .