
  1. 在区内还发现了广泛分布的古人类活动遗址,采获了大量新石器。

    Also , in this region , the authors discovered the widely distributed active traces of the ancients and gained a lot of the stoneware .

  2. 北京市王府井东方广场工地发现的古人类活动遗址是一处旧石器晚期的文化遗址,包括有上、下两个文化层,其时代距今分别为1.5~1.9万年和2.2~2.6万年左右。

    The Paleolithic site found in Dongfang Square Wangfujing in Beijing is a late Paleolithic cultural site . It consists of two cultural layers . The TL age of the sample from the upper layer we obtained is ( 1 5 ~ 1 9 )× 10 4a B.P.