
  • 网络ancient city
  1. 古代城市发展与河流的关系初探

    Pilot Study of the Relativity between Ancient City Development and Rivers

  2. 浅析传统文化对我国古代城市规划理论的影响

    On the effect of traditional culture on our ancient city planning theory

  3. 本文尝试将GIS应用于历史城市研究,并以北宋东京为例讨论了运用GIS进行古代城市结构复原可行性。

    This paper attempts to introduce GIS to the research of historical city .

  4. 浅析中国古代城市门户空间环境

    Anatomizing the Space of the Chinese Ancient " Urban Door "

  5. 我国古代城市建设中的生态思想及启示

    Ecological Ideas In Ancient China 's City Construction and Its Revelation

  6. 中国古代城市与水&以古都为例

    Chinese Ancient Cities and Water & Taking the Ancient Capitals for Example

  7. 中国历史悠久、地域辽阔、人文复杂,这使得古代城市起源动力呈多样化态势。

    China has a long history and a vast territory .

  8. 中国古代城市建设传统精髓钩沉

    Review on Tradition of Planning and Construction in Ancient China

  9. 中国古代城市中聚居制度的演变及特点

    Development of the settlement institutions in the Chinese ancient cities

  10. 社会结构对中国古代城市肌理的影响

    Influences of social structure on ancient urban texture of China

  11. 中国古代城市社会防火初探

    Approach on the social fireproof in the Chinese ancient city

  12. 在我国古代城市空间结构中,公众开放空间是一个必不可少的环节。

    It is essential to have public open space in Chinese ancient cities .

  13. 管仲堪称中国古代城市规划建设的一代宗师。

    Guan Zhong was the master of ancient Chinese city planning and construction .

  14. 中国古代城市防火减灾措施研究

    Study on fireproof measures in ancient city of China

  15. 城市史学与中国古代城市研究

    Urban Historiography and the Research on Chinese Ancient Cities

  16. 运河和中国古代城市的发展

    Canal and the Development of China 's Ancient Cities

  17. 中国古代城市旅游发展及其特点

    Urban Tourism Development and Its Features of Ancient China

  18. 论中国大型古代城市遗址的整体保护

    On the Overall Conservation of Chinese Ancient Large-scale City-sites

  19. 黄土高原东部地区古代城市演进趋势研究

    The Research of Ancient Cities Evolution Trends of East Region of Loess Plateau

  20. 中国与欧洲古代城市商业空间比较

    Commercial Compare between Chinese and European Ancient Cities

  21. 中国古代城市起源动力及类型

    The Type and Origin of Chinese Ancient Cities

  22. 中国古代城市的社会保障

    Social guarantee of ancient Ch in ese cities

  23. 休闲空间是我国古代城市中必不可少的一种空间类型,是城市空间的有机组成部分。

    Leisure space is a type of space in the ancient cities in China .

  24. 从城与市的关系看我国古代城市发展的三个阶段

    The Three Developmental Stages of Ancient Chinese Cities

  25. 试论古代城市人居环境的人文结构与意义

    On the humanistic fabrics and significance of human settlement in historic cities of China

  26. 中国古代城市规划的生态哲学:天人合一

    The Ecosystem Philosophy Of Urban Planning In Ancient China : Harmony Between Human And Environment

  27. 西方古代城市绿化概况与手法初探

    Urban Afforestation in the Ancient Western Countries

  28. 这里的高科技实验室和超现代的玻璃房令加利福尼亚州的帕洛阿尔托市看起来像古代城市;

    Its high-tech laboratories and ultra-modern glass houses make California 's Palo Alto look ancient .

  29. 自然环境&中国古代城市选址的首重因素

    Natural Environment ── the First Aspect for Site Choice of City Construction in Ancient China

  30. 风水与我国古代城市规划

    Geomantic configuration and ancient Chinese city planning