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  • 网络Ancient Relics;relic;antiquity
  1. 大毒蛇或者龙在吞吃自己的尾巴这个保存下来的古代遗物可以追溯到古代埃及,大约公元前1600年左右。

    The serpent or dragon eating its own tail has survived from antiquity and can be traced back to ancient egypt , circa1600b . c.e.

  2. 不时,会有一匹小巧玲珑的青铜马或其他什么的古代遗物出土,使我们想起古希腊的盛世伟业。

    From time to time , a beautiful little bronze horse or some other find comes to light , reminding us of the greatness of ancient Greece .

  3. 所有的这些理念最初是在古代遗物中被发掘出来的,你能在罗马别墅,乔治时期的官邸,法国城堡以及弗兰克·劳埃德·莱特的草原房屋中发现。

    All of these ideas were first explored in antiquity and can be found in Roman villas , Georgian mansions , French chateaux , and in the prairie houses of Frank Lloyd Wright .

  4. 博物馆藏有中国古代的遗物。

    The museum contains the remains of Chinese antiquity .

  5. 这石斧是古代的遗物。

    This stone axe is a relic of ancient times .

  6. 确定这件古代文化遗物的时间。

    Fixed the date of the ancient artifacts .

  7. 厌胜钱是我国汉唐以来一类重要的古代文化遗物,文化内涵十分丰富,涉及到我国古代社会的政治、经济、宗教、民俗等诸多方面。

    As important Chinese ancient culture relics , Exorcism Numismatics has abundant culture connotations that involve politics , economy , religions and folk customs of Chinese ancient society .

  8. 考古学是通过发掘和调查古代人类的遗迹遗物和文献来研究古代社会的一门人文科学。

    The study of ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings , graves , tools etc.