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  1. 调神方对实验性类AD痴呆大鼠记忆行为和血清细胞因子含量的影响

    Influence of Spirit-Regulating Formula on Memory Behavior and Serum Cellular Factor Content in Experimental AD Rat

  2. 目的探讨调神方对老年性痴呆(AD)大鼠学习记忆和细胞因子调节的作用机制。

    Objective To study the mechanism of the Vitality regulation Recipe ( VRR ) on the learning and memory impairment and cell factor in the rat with Alzheimer dementia .

  3. 结果:调神方可显著提高痴呆大鼠Y-迷宫正确次数,明显降低痴呆大鼠升高的血清IL-2、TNF-α含量。

    The results showed that Spirit-Regulating Formula could remarkably enhance the correct times in electric labyrinth and decrease obviously the enhanced serum IL-2 and TNF - γ in AD rats .

  4. 结果调神方能明显提高Y-电迷宫正确次数,明显下调血清白介素-1β(IL-1β)、白介素-6(IL-6)的水平。

    These groups were observed by the methods of Y electrical maze , and serum cell factor . Results VRR could remarkably increased rightly rate of Y electrical maze , and descend IL 1 , IL 6 level of serum .

  5. 学习困难是儿童多动症的主要症状之一,用益智调神方药治疗能使患儿学习成绩提高。

    Difficulty in studying is one of the main symptoms in children with hyperkinetic syndrome .

  6. 调神方对老年性痴呆大鼠学习记忆和细胞因子调节的实验研究

    Experimental study of Vitality-regulation Recipe on the learning and memory impairment and cell factor in the rat with Alzheimer dementia

  7. 针刺调神方干预亚健康症状的短期疗效明显,中期疗效有所降低。

    And the latter is obvious . The short-term efficacy of intervention of " Spirit-Regulating formula " with acupuncture on sub-health symptoms is significant , but medium-term efficacy decreased . 2 .

  8. 到娘娘庙,她求了个神方:一点香灰之外,还有两三味草药。

    She went to the temple of the goddess of fertility and asked for a magic prescription , which called for a little incense ash and two or three medicinal herbs .

  9. 醒神解毒方治疗热毒血瘀型缺血性中风临床观察

    Clinical Observation of " Xingshen Jiedu Decoction " in Treating Ischemic Stroke of Heat-Toxin and Blood-Stasis

  10. 唯独藉著耶稣基督的宝血,认罪悔改及相信神,方能得著拯救。

    Only through the blood of Jesus Christ , by repentance and faith in God can a person be saved .

  11. 所有的殖民地都要求唯有相信三位一体之神的人方可任公职。

    All colonies required belief in the Triune God for office-holding .

  12. 持续性植物状态的中医证型分析与益神启窍方综合疗法的临床研究

    Analysis of TCM Differentiation of Patients with PVS and Clinical Study of the Effect of Yi Shen Qi Qiao Fang