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  1. 一道受欢迎的醒酒汤也会含有小肠,连食荤者也不敢轻易尝试。

    A popular hangover-cure soup contains the sorts of intestinal remnants that even meat-eaters think twice about .

  2. 对食荤的支持者来说,吸收营养是他们吃肉的主要原因。

    As for proponents of meat eating , absorption of nourishment is the major reason for them to have meat .

  3. 但也有相当一部分专门的素食餐馆,素食者可不必担忧会吃到牛肉粒或凤尾鱼,食荤者可让消化系统休息一下。

    But there are also a significant number of dedicated vegetarian eateries , where herbivores can eat without fear of beef stock or anchovies and meat-eaters can give their digestive systems a rest .

  4. 都说“吃什么就是什么”,据新西兰的一位研究人员介绍,越来越多的素食者拒绝与食荤者进行性接触,因为他们视食肉者为“动物的墓地”。

    They say you are what you eat , and growing numbers of vegans are shunning sex with meat-eaters because they see them as " a graveyard for animals ", a New Zealand researcher says .

  5. 素食者宣言:不与食肉者性接触!都说“吃什么就是什么”,据新西兰的一位研究人员介绍,越来越多的素食者拒绝与食荤者进行性接触,因为他们视食肉者为“动物的墓地”。

    They say you are what you eat , and growing numbers of vegans are shunning sex with meat-eaters because they see them as " a graveyard for animals , " a New Zealand researcher says .

  6. 调查结果经统计学分析,显示男性高血压患病率明显高于女性,此外,高血压病的危险因素主要有:50岁以上的老年人,家族遗传史,食入过量的盐和食荤等。

    Our results showed that the prevalence rate of high blood pressure of male is higher than which of female , and their risk factors are mostly older than 50 years , family genetic history and unhealthy diet habits .