
  1. 尸体解剖发现,这些死亡的江豚大多有一个共同特点:消化系统里没有任何食物残留。

    As autopsies have uncovered , these dead river dolphins had one problem in common : there was no food remaining in their digestive tract .

  2. 之所以说牙刷比马桶脏,还有一个原因是食物残留的细菌会在口腔内滞留数日,这就为细菌等微生物的滋生提供了一个绝佳摇篮。

    Another reason that makes toothbrushes dirtier than toilets is that the food bacteria can last for days , serving a perfect breeding ground for the microbes .

  3. 本实验室前期实验研究首次发现,来源于植物的姜黄素可显著改善阿托品引起的胃肠蠕动减弱,有效促进胃肠蠕动,减少食物残留,能够显著改善胃肠运动功能。

    Previous research in our laboratory found for the fist time that curcumin can significantly improve the gastrointestinal peristalsis abated by atropine . Curcumin effectively promoted gastrointestinal peristalsis and reduced the residue rate of stomach .

  4. 除臭剂:将咖啡渣铺在曲奇薄饼上放入烤箱中烘干,然后装入碗中放进冰箱里,可以祛除冰箱里难闻的食物残留味。

    Deodorizer : To remove unwanted food smells inside the fridge or freezer , dry the coffee grounds in the ove , on a cookie sheet and then put it in a bowl in your fridge .

  5. 不仅是洞庭湖,鄱阳湖近期也发现江豚死亡,尸体解剖发现,这些死亡的江豚大多有一个共同特点:消化系统里没有任何食物残留。

    Apart from Dongting Lake , Poyang Lake has also recently found river dolphins dead , with autopsies revealing that most of these river dolphins shared a common characteristic : There was no food to be found in their digestive systems .

  6. 几乎所有美国农业部和独立科学研究检测出的食物农药残留都不到政府监管者规定的可接受的每日摄取量标准的1%。

    Almost all pesticides detected on foods by the USDA and independent scientific studies are at levels below 1 % of the acceptable daily intake ( ADI ) set by government regulators .

  7. 因此,动物源食物的重金属残留水平引起了国际社会的广泛关注。

    The heavy metal level in animal-derived food aroused extensive concern in the international community .

  8. 结论:80%小肠切除后,残留小肠发生代偿性改变,食物刺激是残留小肠代偿的重要因素;

    Conclusions : After 80 % intestinal resection , the remaining intestine can develop the adaptation , but the adaptation is incomplete .

  9. 尤其是食物链的药物残留问题已引起世人普遍关注。

    In particular , the issue of drug residues in the food chain has attracted wide world attention .

  10. 一项又一项的研究都发现食物中有农药残留,但是这些残留差不多总是在安全标准以下的。

    While study after study can find pesticide residues on foods , they are almost always well below safety standards .

  11. 当食物中的重金属残留量超过一定的指标后,将对人体健康构成极大威胁。

    If the heavy metal level is above the maximum limited quantity , it will be a serious threat to human health .

  12. 食物残渣不易残留在弓丝上,有利于口腔卫生的维护及口腔健康的保持;

    Food debris is not easy to remain on the arch wire , which is favorable to oral hygiene maintenance and oral health holding .

  13. 太原地区食物中的林丹残留与人群摄食暴露一群摄影师拥挤在路边,旁边是一大群旁观者(乔亚迪利贝托)

    Oral Intake of Lindane by Population in Taiyuan A gaggle of photographers huddled on the sidewalk beside a swelling crowd of onlookers ( Gioia Diliberto )

  14. 男孩没有勇气去吃面前美味的食品,担心食物中存在农药残留污染或有毒元素。

    A boy has no courage to have dinner in front of delicious foods in that there may exist pesticide pollution or poisonous elements in the foods .

  15. 有关饮食接触农药的系统综述都得出同样的一个结论:通过饮食接触食物中的农药残留对人们造成的危害风险是最小的。

    Systematic reviews of dietary pesticide exposure all come to the same conclusion : that typical dietary exposure to pesticide residues in foods poses minimal risks to humans .

  16. 不过,海绵虽然看上去是把食物残余从盘子上洗掉了,可这些食物残留细菌实则留在了海绵上,继而导致细菌又在看似干净的盘子上滋生。

    However , when the food particles are removed , they tend to stay attached to the sponges , festering bacteria and spreading the organisms to clean dishes .

  17. 如果你要使用办公室的微波炉来加热食物的话,那就把保鲜盒的盖子盖上,你总不想食物的味道残留在办公室里吧。

    Cover your food if you 're heating it up in the office microwave , because you don 't want the smell to linger .