
  • 网络Food contamination;food pollution
  1. 对于食品污染的增多,人们越来越恐惧。

    There is growing alarm at the increase in food contamination .

  2. 必须制定一项关于食品污染的法律。

    A law concerning food contamination must be made .

  3. 食品污染微生物基因组DNA提取的简易方法

    A Easy Method for Extraction of Genomic DNA from the Microbe in the Contaminative Food

  4. 更详细的杂志报道链接请见:[作者E.K.Wheeler等人:三分钟PCR:探测快速扩增的限制]该系统可以在瞬间识别食品污染,或者在你咳嗽声落地之前识别出感染源。

    The work is in the journal Analyst . [ E. K. Wheeler et al , Under-three minute PCR : Probing the limits of fast amplification ] The system could make it possible to identify food contamination virtually instantly . Or an infection before you even finish coughing .

  5. 南通市2003年食品污染状况监测与分析

    Situation of Chemical Contamination in Foods Produced in Nantong in 2003

  6. 食品污染是否会造成辐射风险?

    Is there a risk of radioactive exposure from food contamination ?

  7. 这是恒天然集团今年第二起食品污染事件。

    This is the second contamination issue involving Fonterra this year .

  8. 目的了解广州市市区食品污染现状[1]。

    Objective To investigate the food contamination status of Guangzhou City .

  9. 北京市售食品污染酵母菌鉴定

    Identification of types of yeast polluting the foodstuff saled in Beijing

  10. 家用洗涤剂毒性作用及对食品污染的研究现状

    The Study Status of Toxicity and Pollution of Domestic Detergent

  11. 生物富集导致的食品污染与危害

    Food Pollution Caused by - Accumulation and Its Damages

  12. 中国2000年食品污染状况监测与分析

    Food contamination monitoring and analysis in 2000 in China

  13. 竹醋液对食品污染菌的抗菌作用的研究

    Study on Bacteriostasis of bamboo vinegar against food-polluting bacteria

  14. 中国食品污染监测体系的研究

    Studies on National Surveillance System for Food Contaminations and Foodborne Diseases in China

  15. 生姜食盐乙醇对常见食品污染菌协同抗菌作用的研究

    Synergetic Antimicrobial Effect of Ginger Sodium Chloride and Ethanol on Common Food Contamination Bacteria

  16. 1997-2000年泉州市食品污染趋势分析和评估

    The Trend Analysis and Evaluation of Food Contamination in Quanzhou from 1997 to 2000

  17. 动物性食品污染金黄色葡萄球菌的检测

    Detection of Staphylococcus Aureus on Contaminating Animal Foodstuff

  18. 近年来,中国面临一系列涉及食品污染的丑闻。

    China has faced a series of scandals involving tainted food in recent years .

  19. 在世界其它地区有过更早的食品污染事件报道。

    Earlier incidents of food contamination have been reported in other parts of the world .

  20. 食源性疾病与食品污染构成了一个巨大并不断扩大的世界性公共卫生问题。

    Foodborne diseases and food contamination and pose a huge growing public health problem worldwide .

  21. 从化肥造成食品污染、破坏土壤肥力和污染生态环境三方面分析了人们对化肥的误解。

    The misunderstandings about chemical fertilizer were discussed from the pollution that caused by unsuitable using .

  22. 我们早该杜绝食品污染这种遭谴责的做法。

    It is high time we put an end to the deplorable practice of food contamination .

  23. 该文介绍伏马菌素对食品污染状况、伏马菌素毒性及伏马菌素测定方法。

    The article briefly introduced pollution condition to food , toxicity and determination method of fumonisin .

  24. 另外一桩二恶英食品污染案于1997年发生在美国。

    Another case of dioxin contamination of food occurred in the United States of America in1997 .

  25. (五)对食物中毒和食品污染事故进行调查,并采取控制措施;

    To undertake investigation of accidents involving food poisoning or food contamination and take measures of control ;

  26. 食品污染问题浅析

    On Problem of Food Pollution

  27. 食品污染与腹泻

    Food Contamination and Diarrhoea

  28. 希望将来我的孩子不被毒奶粉等有毒食品污染。

    I do hope my future child will be healthy and will not be poisoned by polluted food .

  29. 为此他们不得不缩减成本,这就是你不断看到食品污染案例发生的原因。

    Because of that they cut corners , which is why you get the constant stream of food contamination cases .

  30. 蜡状芽孢杆菌是常见的食品污染菌,在工业化社会中正成为日益重要的食物病原菌。

    As a ubiquitous soil microorganism , Bacillus cereus has become one of the important food-borne pathogens in the industrial societies .