
  • 网络phosphate-solubilizing bacteria
  1. 对于接种解磷菌的堆肥处理,施堆肥量越低,磷响应度越高。

    For the phosphate-solubilizing bacteria inoculated composting , the lower the amount of compost the higher phosphorus responsiveness .

  2. 施复合肥处理中,堆肥与泥炭土1:1混合并接种解磷菌的施肥处理青菜干重较高,比空白组增加了55%。

    Using compound fertilizer processing , compost and peat 1:1 mixed phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in fertilization treatment inoculated vegetables dry weight is higher than the control group increased by 55 % .

  3. 高效解磷菌BacillussubtilisP-1的N离子束诱变育种

    Mutant Breeding of High Effective Phosphate-solubilizing Bacteria Bacillus subtilis P-1 by Nitrogen Ionic Beam

  4. 相思根瘤菌和解磷菌培养基优化及解磷能力研究一株土生克雷伯氏杆菌(k.pneumoniae)溶磷能力的初步研究

    Medium Optimization of Acacia Rhizobia and Phosphobacteria and the Study of Phosphate-dissolving Ability

  5. 根系扫描结果显示解磷菌K3增加了玉米的总根长和表面积,提高根系养分吸收,促进植物生长。

    Results from root scanning showed that inoculation of K3 could enhance the total root length and root surface area , which improves plant nutrition and plant growth .

  6. 综述了土壤解磷细菌(PSB)的种类、数量、分布,解磷能力以及对植物生长发育影响,目的是为解磷菌的开发应用和进一步研究提供信息。

    The research progress on phosphate-solubilizing bacteria ( PSB ) was reviewed in aspects of species diversity , quantity , distribution , phosphate-solubilizing ability and the effects on plant growth in the paper .

  7. 耐盐碱解磷菌的分离鉴定及解磷能力研究用碱熔解,用碱助熔

    Isolation , Identification and Phosphate-Solubilizing Capability of Saline-Alkali Tolerance PSMs

  8. 解磷菌剂对作物生长和土壤磷素的影响

    Effects of Phosphate Liberation Bacteria on Crop Growth and Phosphate in Soil

  9. 固氮菌、解磷菌和解钾菌对土壤改良有着重要的作用。

    The bacterium manure has been playing an important role in soil improvement .

  10. 热带土壤解磷菌的筛选和种类鉴定及利用的初步评价

    Screening , Identification and Primary Usage Evaluation of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganism from the Tropical Soil

  11. 不同解磷菌群在石灰性土壤中对油菜产量及品质的影响

    Effect of Different Phosphorus Solution Bacteria Community on in Calcareous Yield and Quanlity of Cole

  12. 解磷菌剂对海滨盐土有效磷含量及耐盐油料植物生长的影响

    Effects of phosphate-solubilizing fungi on costal saline soil available phosphorous content and salt-tolerant oil plant growth

  13. 高效解磷菌株的分离、筛选及其对小麦苗期生长的促进作用研究

    The Isolation and Screening of Highly-Effective Strain in Phosphorus-Dissolving and Effect on the Growth of Wheat

  14. 植物根际解磷菌的研究进展

    Research of Plant Phosphate-solubilizing Microorganisms

  15. 结果表明:施用解磷菌群处理比对照产量增加1.08%~39.18%;

    The results shows that phosphorus-solution-bacteria-community could increase the yield as 1.08 % ~ 39.18 % than that in control ;

  16. 而217解磷菌的8种固体载体保存效果较好,特别是高岭土、微细胞滑石粉和轻质碳酸钙,但高岭土要优于微细胞滑石粉和轻质碳酸钙。

    While 217 strain conservation effection were good in those 8 solid inoculants , especially Kaolin , zeolite powder and Calcium Carbonate .

  17. 耐盐碱解磷菌不仅能适应盐碱土环境,而且能提高盐碱土的有效磷含量,改善土质。

    Saline-alkali tolerance PSBs can not only adapt to alkaline-saline soil environment , but also improve the available Phosphorous and change the soil quality .

  18. 耐盐碱解磷菌的筛选及其对羊草生长的促进作用研究耐盐促生和生防细菌的鉴定及混合培养研究

    Isolation and Chinensis Promoting Effect of the Saline-Alkali Tolerance Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Alkaline Soil ; Identification and Co-culture of Salt Tolerant Promoting Growth Bacteria and Biological Control Bacteria

  19. 测定了施加小麦秆糠、玉米秆糠后植烟土壤中细菌、霉菌、放线菌、解磷菌、解钾菌、硝化细菌和反硝化细菌7类菌群的分布及数量;

    The distribution and quantity of bacteria , fungi , actinomycetes , phosphate and potassium solubilizing microorganisms , nitrobacteria and denitrobacteria were detected after the wheat and maize straw chaffs were added to the tobacco cultivated soil .

  20. 对于施复合肥的处理,接种解磷菌的土壤解磷率较好于未接种解磷菌的,其中堆肥和泥炭土按1:2配比混合的复合肥解磷效果较好。

    Using compound fertilizer , fertilizer for the handling of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria inoculated soil phosphate-solubilizing rate is better than the non-vaccinated phosphate-solubilizing bacteria , in which the compost and peat soil mixed by 1:2 ratio of fertilizer is effective .

  21. 通过油菜盆栽试验,采用两因素完全随机区组设计,研究了在北方石灰性土壤上分别施入不同解磷菌肥对油菜产量和品质的影响。

    In pot-cultivation tests of cole , complete stochastic region design of two factors was applied and the influence of different fertilizer of phosphorus solution bacteria in calcareous soil of North was studied on yield and quality of cole .

  22. 选取青菜为盆栽植物,分析青菜干重、叶片宽度,以及叶片长度,施接种解磷菌的堆肥处理较好,五株青菜干重比空白组提高了505%。

    Select the vegetables for the pot plant , and analysis of cabbage dry weight , leaf width and leaf length , phosphate-solubilizing bacteria inoculated composting facilities was better , five vegetables ' dry weight compared with that of the control group increased 505 % .