
jiě chú jǐnɡ bào
  • all-clear;sound the all-clear
  1. 摩根大通资产管理公司(JPMorganAssetManagement)的戴维•谢普(DavidShairp)表示,尽管许多迹象表明中国经济将实现软着陆,但目前远不到解除警报的时候。

    David Shairp at JPMorgan Asset Management says that while there are signs that China is heading for a soft landing , it is too soon to sound the all-clear .

  2. 大家不需要爬上椅子去解除警报声,只要在离NestProtect六至八英尺(约1.8-2.5米)的范围内挥挥手即可。

    Instead of climbing on top of a chair , one just has to wave their hand within six to eight feet of the device .

  3. 解除警报,邀请他赴宴。

    Sound the all clear , and invite him to dinner .

  4. 你有30秒的时间来解除警报。

    You 've got30 seconds to bypass the alarm .

  5. 解除警报目标确认没有武器收到

    All clear.Subject identifiedand unarmed.Roger that .

  6. 只有紧急协调员才有权利宣布解除警报。

    The Emergency Coordinator is the only person with the authority to declare the all clear .

  7. 把他的右手伸到抽屉里,将饼干盒偷了出来,解除警报。

    He 's slipping his arm in the drawer and out comes the cookie jar . All clear .

  8. 汽笛又在雨中长鸣起来,发出解除警报的信号,可是他们两个人谁也没有理会。

    The sirens squealed the All Clear through the rain , but neither of them paid any attention .

  9. 不管怎样,解除警报声很简单,这要归功于内置超声波传感器和活动传感器。

    Regardless , turning off the alarm is a simple matter , thanks to built-in ultrasonic and activity sensors .

  10. 受到惊吓的教区居民迅速撤离出教堂,但是不一会儿警察就宣布“解除警报”。

    Shaken parishioners rushed from the area but a short time later police gave the " all clear . "

  11. 但不要把这种可能性与实体经济、股市或政治周期全面解除警报的信号混为一谈。

    But do not confuse that possibility with an all-clear sign for the real economy , stock markets or the political cycle .

  12. 不一会,“解除警报”响了:汽笛拉长音,大家就起身拍拍尘土,络绎不绝地返回市里。

    A short while ," lifting of alarm " ring : whistle-extended , we patted the dust on the rise , come to return to the city .

  13. 今年第三季度美国回归稳健经济增长,但经济学家拒绝解除警报,因为有迹象显示,复苏态势并不稳固。

    The US returned to solid economic growth in the third quarter , but economists refused to sound the all-clear amid signs that the recovery is precarious .

  14. 但同样地,没人可以确定,当前勉强称得上良性的趋势是否将持续下去,现在是否已经可以放心地解除警报。

    But equally , no one can be sure that the current , just about benign , trends will last and it is safe to sound the all clear .

  15. 他们的目标是在28天内,能给每个病人确诊或完全解除“警报”。

    The aim is that every patient is either diagnosed or given the all-clear within 28 days .

  16. 印尼当局在地震发生后不久发布了海啸警报,但是之后就解除了警报。

    Indonesian authorities issued a tsunami warning shortly after the quake but it was later canceled .

  17. 随着洪水退去,泰国政府以及当地旅游业经营者们迅速宣布解除灾情警报,并宣传推广一些令人意想不到的超值旅行套餐。

    As waters recede , the government and hoteliers are quickly sounding the all clear and advertising incredible deals .

  18. 我要马上解除基本的,警报系统。

    I should have the foundation alarms done in no time .