
  • 网络anatomical reduction;anatomic reduction
  1. 结论术中粗隆部尽可能解剖复位,标准的DHS固定及术后早期功能锻炼是取得良好疗效的关键。

    Conclusion The important steps in treatment were anatomical reduction , standard internal fixation , and early functional exercises .

  2. 结果按Matta标准:解剖复位17例,满意9例,不满意3例。

    Results According to Matta 's standard ; anatomical reduction : 17 cases ; satisfactory reduction ;

  3. 结果术中发现,合并半月板损伤7例、交叉韧带损伤4例,手术时间(91.6±26.8)min,解剖复位率97.2%;

    The operation time is ( 91.6 ± 26.8 ) min , and the rate of anatomic reduction is 97.2 % .

  4. 方法应用SF手术治疗43例胸腰段不稳定骨折,其中探查椎管25例。结果骨折接近解剖复位,椎管得到有效减压。

    Methods 43 cases of thoracolumbar unstable fractures were treated with SF internal fixators , 25 of which were undergone vertebral exploration .

  5. Millard法加肌解剖复位术修复单侧唇裂的效果分析

    Quantitative analysis of the aesthetic effect for unilateral cleft lip repair using Millard 's method with muscular dissection and reposition

  6. 方法:在矫治单侧唇裂继发畸形时,常规应用仿Millard术式,并结合上唇瘢痕组织瓣,对所有唇、鼻畸形进行解剖复位。

    Methods Using improved Millard technique combined with scar tissue flap as a routing method to correct nasal and lip deformities of secondary deformities of unilateral cleft lip .

  7. 目的探讨高度近视黄斑白孔性视网膜脱离手术联合倍频Nd:YAG激光(532nm)治疗黄斑白孔的解剖复位和功能恢复。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect on eyes with high myopic retinal detachment with macular white hole treated by surgery combined with Nd : YAG laser photocoagulation .

  8. 目的:探讨晶体玻璃体切除联合巩膜扣压环孔手术(三联术)治疗Marfan综合征视网膜脱离的解剖复位率和视功能结果。

    Purpose : To detect the reattachment rate and visual function outcome of Pars Plana Lensectomy , vitrectomy and scleral encircling ( PPL + PPV + SE ) to treat retinal detachment ( RD ) with Marfan syndrome .

  9. MattaX线评定:解剖复位71例,满意复位34例,不满意复位17例,复位优良率为86.1%。

    Matta 's X-ray assessment show anatomic reduction in 71 cases , satisfactory in 34 and unsatisfactory in 17 , yielding a rate of proper reduction as 86.1 % .

  10. 按照Pilon骨折复位的Burwell-Charnley放射学评价标准:胫骨关节面获得解剖复位16例,胫骨关节面复位一般4例。

    In accordance with Pilon fractures of the Burwell-Charnley radiological evaluation criteria , tibial articular surface was anatomical reduction in 16 cases , the general reduction of tibial articular surface in 4 cases .

  11. 结论:BSI、DCS可推广应用于临床;股骨颈骨折治疗中力求解剖复位,牢固固定,术后合理指导康复;注意各方面治疗因素力求降低内固定失败率。

    Conclusion : BSI and DCS can be applied safely widely to clinical . The principles for the treatment of femoral neck fracture are anatomic reduction and rigid fixation and late weight carrying ; Pay attention to factors related to the failure of treatment in the femoral neck fracture .

  12. 结论:术前准备充分、显露途径熟悉、良好的手术整复工具、解剖复位及适时手术,是提高APWF治疗效果的关键。

    Conclusion : Sufficient preoperative preparation , grasp of approaches , suitable stool for fracture reduction , anatomical reduction and timely surgery are keys to improve results of the APWF surger .

  13. 结论只要严格掌握其适应证和禁忌证,Ender钉治疗5~10岁儿童股骨干骨折具有切口小,解剖复位,不破坏骨膜、利于骨折修复,住院时间短,功能恢复快等优点。

    Conclusions So far as indications and contra-indications of Ender nail fixation are strictly followed , this treatment for femoral shaft fractures in children of age 5 ~ 10 years gives characters of small incision , anatomic reduction , unimpaired periosteum , short hospital stay , and quick functional recovery .

  14. 骨折复位质量按Matta放射学标准评价,本组解剖复位26例,满意复位7例,不满意复位3例。获得随访4~66个月,平均41.7个月。

    The degree of reduction standards according to Matta radiological evaluation . There were anatomic reduction in 26 cases , satisfactory reduction in 7 cases , unsatisfactory reduction in 3 cases.36 cases were followed up from 4 to 66 months , average 41.7 months .

  15. 结果随访1~4年(平均2年),关节功能按改良d′Aubigne和Postel功能评定标准,解剖复位者12例中关节功能优良10例、可2例;

    Results All cases were followed up for 1 ~ 4 years , average 2 years . According to modified d ' Aubigne-Postel hip function scoring system , 10 cases got excellent or good and 2 got fair results in anatomical reduction group ;

  16. 踝部骨折非解剖复位的原因和治疗

    Causes and Treatment of Non-anatomical Reduction of Fractures of the Ankle

  17. 结论距骨颈骨折宜早期解剖复位固定。

    Conclusions Talar neck fracture should be with early reduction and fixation .

  18. 结果获解剖复位27例,功能复位4例。

    Results 27 cases got anatomic reduction and 4 got functional reduction .

  19. 62例患者中47例术后X线复查达到解剖复位;

    In 47 of 62 patients anatomic reduction were achieved by X-ray ;

  20. 髁突骨折解剖复位及小型接骨板坚强内固定

    Treatment of condylar fractures by anatomic reduction and rigid fixation with mini plates

  21. X线复查髁突骨折解剖复位率94.8%;

    The rate of anatomical reduction was 94.8 percent according to X-ray inspection .

  22. 再次手术后视网膜解剖复位率为100%。

    After reoperation , anatomic success was 100 % .

  23. 解剖复位及坚强内固定;(2)固定;

    3 ) anatomic reduction and rigid internal fixation ; ( 2 ) fixation ;

  24. 结果11眼中9眼获得解剖复位,占80%。

    Results Nine eyes of 11 cases obtained anatomic reattachment ( 80 % ) .

  25. 结论减少手术损伤,解剖复位是减少手术治疗并发症的关键。

    Conclusions Operative injury lessening and anatomical reduction are keys to decrease of operative complications .

  26. 目的:关节部位骨折要求解剖复位,固定牢固。

    Objective : Intra-and peri - articular fracture should be anatomic reduction and firm fixation .

  27. 目的评价髁状突骨折解剖复位和游离复位的手术疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the curative effect of anatomic reduction and free reduction on condylar fractures .

  28. 松解后11例获得解剖复位,行寰枢椎固定;1例部分复位,行枕颈融合。

    The fixation of atlantoaxial was performed in 11 cases and occipitocervical fixation in 1 case .

  29. 结果随诊1mo以上,35眼中,32眼达到解剖复位,成功率为91.43%。

    Results 32 eyes got anatomic reattachment in 35 eyes , the successful rate is 91.43 % .

  30. 24例胸腰段脊柱骨折患者中有21例接近解剖复位。

    Postoperatively , 21 of 24 the cases of thoracolumbar spinal fractures were nearly achieved anatomic recovery .