
  • 网络Problem Solving Strategies
  1. 第五部分:构建思想政治课师生和谐关系的有效对策,针对上述提出的问题提出解决问题的策略。

    Part V : Building effective countermeasures of ideological and political course harmonious teacher-student relationship , problem solving strategies for the questions raised .

  2. 二是寻求解决问题的策略和方法;

    Two is to look for the problem-solving strategy and methods ;

  3. 然后提出了解决问题的策略:其一是改善内山公路路况;

    Several tactics to solve the problems have been suggested .

  4. 做出让步绝对是解决问题的策略。

    Plakans , 42 . 'Compromise is definitely the strategy .

  5. 目标是研究出解决问题的策略。

    The objective is to develop a strategy for solving the problem .

  6. 确定解决问题的策略并尝试某种问题解决的方法,解决问题的策略与方法决定着问题解决的方向与成败;

    To determine the strategies of solving problem and try to use a concrete method ;

  7. 对一个交通管理实际问题进行了可拓分析,并提出了解决问题的策略。

    A real life traffic problem is analyzed as an example and the strategy solving problem showed .

  8. 许多语言学家都认同加强培训学生以必要的学习和解决问题的策略是非常重要的。

    Most linguists agree that it is very important to improve the learners with the necessary strategies of learning and problem solving .

  9. 要提出能够有效解决问题的策略,首先得分析问题存在的原因,这样才能对症下药。

    First of all , we must analysis the reasons for the problems , thus can make effective strategies to solve them .

  10. 提出了非特定人手语识别新的研究框架,并给出了解决问题的策略与思路。

    This paper proposes a new research frame for signer-independent sign language recognition , and provides the strategy and ideas to solve the problem .

  11. 从实际问题入手,分析导致问题产生的原因,提出解决问题的策略,从而推动该地区中小学教育信息化的发展。

    Causes of the problems are analyzed and problem-solving tactics are also proposed , in the hope of offering help in informationization in these regions .

  12. 第四章,从我国公务员考试录用制度所面临的实际问题出发,提出了解决问题的策略。

    It starts from the actual problems which the civil service examination system faces and proposes the strategy to solve the problems in Chapter ⅳ .

  13. 合作式案例推理是一种解决问题的策略。它利用分布在多个单个案例推理系统解决问题的经验,通过某种方式使多个案例推理系统互相合作来处理新的问题。

    Collaborative case - based reasoning ( CCBR ) refers to a strategy which uses problem solving experience distributed among multiple CBR agents to solve problems .

  14. 第二部分,针对大竹县现有禁毒教育所存在的问题,寻找解决问题的策略。

    Part two : Aiming at the problems that the drug resistant education has , this part will argue about the ways to settle down the problems .

  15. 以国家级风景名胜区井冈山为实证,对经济欠发达旅游区体育旅游的资源、现状和存在的问题进行分析,进而提出解决问题的策略与建议。

    This paper analyzes problems and countermeasures for sports tourism development for tourist ( areas ) with underdeveloped economy in view of the sports tourism development of Jinggangshan .

  16. 个体解决问题的策略是极为丰富的,就简单加法计算问题而言,常见的策略有数手指、用手指、言语数数和检索四种策略。

    Taking the process of solving simple adding counting problem as an example , there were four common strategies : counting fingers , fingers , verbal counting , retrieving .

  17. 通过倾听这些参与者的想法,您可以知道他们对您的产品的期望,他们的意图,以及他们解决问题的策略。

    By listening to participants think and plan , you 'll be able to examine their expectations for your product as well as their intentions and their problem-solving strategies .

  18. 对小学数学教科书中有关“解决问题的策略”的理解,将直接影响其课堂教学设计的针对性与教学实际的具体效益。

    The understanding of the strategies of problem solving in primary mathematics textbooks will directly influence the aim of the classroom teaching design and the actual performance of the teaching .

  19. 分析远程教育专业教学改革中存在的问题以及寻找解决问题的策略是远程教育科学研究中的一项重要课题;

    Analyzing the existent problems and the countermeasures to solve the problems in the reformation of specialized subject in distance education is an important issue in the research of distance education science .

  20. 文章从调查研究人手,对现有利弊进行深刻的揭示与剖析,提出了解决问题的策略与方法。

    The paper , starting with investigation , offers a deep revelation and analysis of the current the accumulated bad practices and put forward strategies and methods as solutions to the problems .

  21. 本文总结了我国文献标引标准化工作取得的成果,分析了文献标引标准化工作中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的策略。

    This paper sums up the achievement of the standardization of document index in china , analyzes the problems during the process , puts forward to the strategy to solving these problems .

  22. 从中广泛而深入地研究分析我国花卉企业网上营销现状、存在的问题,提出了解决问题的策略及方案。

    From the extensive we can research and analyses deep of our more country by online marketing current situations , question the exist of enterprise of flower , propose the solves problem tactics and scheme .

  23. 通过对平顶山招商引资工作取得的成效,以及存在问题进行分析,探究当前地方政府在招商引资中存在的问题,提出解决问题的策略和办法。

    By the Pingdingshan investment promotion work , and the existing problems were analyzed , to explore the current local government in attracting investments problem , put forward the suggestions and measures to solve the problem .

  24. 本研究采用实证研究法分析农村留守幼儿社会化现状,找出农村留守幼儿社会化过程中的主要问题,进而提出解决问题的策略。

    In this study , a demonstration study analysis social development of rural left-behind preschoolers , to find the main problems of rural left-behind preschoolers in the process of socialization and then proposes strategies for solving problems .

  25. 而在独立学院开展辅导员队伍的职业化建设,建立起一种促进辅导员职业终身化、专业化、专家化的新机制,是一个能够从根本上解决问题的策略。

    The implementation of professionalization construction of counselor team in independent colleges so to build a new mechanism promoting the counselor profession lifelong , professional and specialistic is a strategy which could solve the problems in essence .

  26. 研究了数字化造船的定义及内涵,简要介绍了数字化造船的现状与发展趋势,并根据在推行数字化造船技术中的经验,分析了在数字化造船发展中存在的问题和解决问题的策略。

    This paper researched the definition of the digital ship building , national and international the development tendency , the problem of the development digital ship building of our country in existence and the solution for these problems .

  27. 第三部分结合公众环境维权的相关事例,分析提出我国公众参与环境维权中存在的问题及原因,并尝试性地提出了一些解决问题的策略。

    The last part combines with relevant examples of public environment rights protection , analyzing the problems and causes existing in public participation in interests of safeguarding the environment , and trying to put forward a number of strategies for solving problems .

  28. 根据新余一中的生源和师资力量的实际情况,制定出解决问题的策略从四个方面来阐述良好的分组环境;合理优化分组团队;恰当的分组任务;教学生合作。

    According to a Xinyu students and teachers of the actual situation , formulate the strategy to solve the problem from four aspects good grouping environment optimization grouping team ; appropriate grouping task ; teach students cooperation , finally to Xinyu in a classroom teaching practice .

  29. 巴黎大审法院(tribunaldegrandeinstance)裁定,ebay无需对其拍卖网站上销售的假冒产品负责,并指令两家公司合作制定一项解决该问题的策略。

    The tribunal de Grande instance ruled that eBay was not liable for sales of counterfeit goods on its auction site and ordered the two companies to work together on a strategy for combating the problem .

  30. 并且,提出重点解决问题的设计策略。

    And focus on the design strategies to solve the problem are put forward .