
  1. 在司法层面上比较现实的途径主要有:制定司法解释等规范性文件应当疏密适当,构建中国特色的判例制度补充成文法的不足;

    The realistic methods from the judicial aspect are : appropriate wording of regulatory documents such as judicial interpretation , establishing case law system with Chinese characteristics to supplement codified laws ;

  2. 我国现行的有关人事诉讼程序的一些规定,散见于民事诉讼法及其司法解释,《婚姻法》及其司法解释等规范性文件中。

    These provisions are scattered among the Civil Procedure Law and its judicial interpretation , Marriage Law and its judicial interpretation and other normative documents .

  3. 我国目前的法律解释制度主要存在于现行宪法和立法法以及迄今有效的有关法律解释的规范性法律文件之中,有其自身的特点,如解释主体多元化,解释分工复杂,解释范围模糊等。

    The system of the interpretation of law in our country at present has its own characteristics , such as the diverse interpretation of the subject , the complicated interpretation of the labour division and the instinct interpretation of the scope .