
  • 网络exhaustive search;brute force search
  1. 另外,仿真结果表明,GMM算法与穷举搜索方法具有相近的MSE性能,但其比后者易于实现。

    Moreover , simulation results show that the proposed GMM algorithm and the exhaustive search method have similar MSE performance , but the GMM algorithm is much easier to implement .

  2. 为了提高图像质量,提出了基于扫描线长度固定的穷举搜索算法和基于扫描线邻域相关的替代算法,同时讨论了利用DSP实现算法的细节问题。

    In this paper , two algorithms of exhaustive search and substitution based on the constant length and neighborhood correlation of scan lines are proposed to improve image quality , at the same time , the details of realization by using digital signal processor is discussed .

  3. 使用穷举搜索算法来解决这两个问题,必然导致计算量的指数爆炸,穷举搜索DNA算法也不例外。

    To compute the two problems with brute-force search algorithm , the computation complexity will grow exponentially , and the instance is also similar for primitive DNA algorithm .

  4. 同时,针对辅同步信道的RS码表搜索,提出了一种分布式子图搜索算法,与穷举搜索相比,大幅度降低了复杂度。

    On the other hand , a distributed sub-graph search algorithm is put forward to save more complication than RS code table brute-force search .

  5. 一般认为,经典数字计算机执行串行任务的能力是不容置疑的.而DNA计算在求解自然界大量存在的需用穷举搜索方法求解的复杂问题上,具有经典数字计算机所无法比拟的天然优势。

    Generally considering , although the ability of the classical digital computer is unassailable when it executes serial task , DNA computing shows natural advantage compared with the classical digital computer in solving the problems that all possible solution should be verified which exist everywhere .

  6. 该协议不需对所有标签进行穷举搜索和散列计算,适用于标签数量大的RFID系统;解决了因动态刷新引起的数据同步问题。

    As this protocol needs no search for all tags and perform hash function on them , it fits for the RFID system where the tags number is large . It has resolved the data synchronization problem caused by IDs ' dynamic refreshment .

  7. 而格状网络中的RWA是个NP-难问题,它不可能在有限的时间内通过穷举搜索来获得其优化解,为此我们设计了一个启发性算法以解决这个问题。

    But the RWA in mesh networks is a NP-hard problem which can not be solved optimally with exhaustive search in the endurable time . Hence , we designed a heuristic algorithm to solve it .

  8. 穷举搜索法是XPNAV常用且有效的解模糊方法,其不足之处在于复杂度高。

    The exhaustive search method is an effective method commonly used , whose shortage is high complexity .

  9. 因此,本文提出的天线选择贪婪算法,系统容量较大,系统MSE较小,且其复杂度在较大程度上低于穷举搜索方法,具有较高的理论研究和实用价值。

    Therefore , the proposed greedy antenna selection algorithms can achieve relatively larger system capacity , relatively smaller MSE and its computational complexity is smaller than that of the exhaustive search method to a great extent , which is of high value for theoretical studies and practical applications .

  10. 采用递归回溯方法实现组合优化的穷举搜索。

    The recursive backtracking method is used to search for every possible combination .

  11. 最简单的块匹配算法是暴力搜索法,也叫穷举搜索法。

    The simplest approach dealing patch match is exhaustive search , or called brute-force search .

  12. 采用一般的穷举搜索法只能搜索到10长的二元互补序列偶。

    And only sequence pairs with length below 10 can be got using exhaustive search method .

  13. 所以要在数量庞大的联盟结构中找到联盟结构值最大的那个联盟结构而对其进行穷举搜索是不现实的。

    Therefore , it is impractical to search exhaustively in such a large number of coalition structures .

  14. 声学地层剖面记录的图像识别研究之一(穷举搜索策略的专家系统方法)

    Pattern recognition of acoustic Sea-bed Profiling Records ( part 1 : a dynamic reasoning expert system )

  15. 板材的最优切割算法是一种穷举搜索寻求最优解的算法。

    The best partition algorithm of board is an algorithm of seeking the best result with infinite search .

  16. 通过对各种方法计算结果的对比分析,最终确定的计算方法是采用过末点拟合直线、穷举搜索法进行寻优,优化准则是使各拟合直线的相关系数的方差最小。

    By comparing the results of various calculation methods , this paper puts forward an optimal calculation method .

  17. 此外还分析了当对嵌有水印的作品进行穷举搜索攻击和减法攻击时算法的鲁棒性。

    Moreover we analyze its robustness when exhaustive search and subtraction attack are inflicted on the watermarked content .

  18. 通过与穷举搜索算法的比较,本算法大大减少了搜索数量,具有较高的效率。

    Compared with exhausitive search algorithm , the search amout is remarkable reduced by this algorithm and the algorithm is very efficiency .

  19. 其中中间节点法给出了详细的数学证明,穷举搜索法给出了具体的算法。

    Middle node law among them give and publish detailed mathematics prove , exhaust and search for law give and produce the concrete algorithm .

  20. 并探讨了一些实现网络总长度最短的具体方法,如:中间节点法、距离矩阵法、穷举搜索法、快速评估法。

    And probe into some concrete method , namely middle node ,, from matrix law , exhaust law of searching for , assess the law fast .

  21. 根据正交校验矩阵的特点,提出了一种一般线性分组码的正交校验矩阵的穷举搜索算法。

    According to the characteristics of orthogonal parity-check matrixes , an exhaustive algorithm was proposed to search for the orthogonal parity-check matrixes of general block codes .

  22. 对四相正交序列和六相正交序列的搜索,首先采用了时域内的穷举搜索,为了减少搜索运算所占内存和用时较长的弊病,本文又采用频域内的穷举搜索,以求得最佳解。

    The search upon quadri-phase and six-phase orthogonal sequences is made in time-domain at first . Owing to combination bomb , it expends space and time largely .

  23. 本文提出了基于禁忌搜索的多因子降维方法,利用禁忌搜索来代替穷举搜索。

    We propose a method named Tabu search based Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction ( TabuMDR ), which replaces the exhaustive search with tabu search for combinations of SNP .

  24. 传统的基于穷举搜索的暴力法在攻击密码散列时需要大量的计算,而且往往要经过很长的时间才能完成计算。

    To attack password hash , a traditional brute-force method based on exhaustive search need a lot of computing power or a lot of time to complete .

  25. 本文在构造具有方向导向性的完全二叉树的基础上,提出了一种适合研究蛋白质构象的格子模型快速穷举搜索算法。

    This paper presents a fast exhaustive search algorithm in order to search the protein conformation space based on the lattice model by constructing a directional binary tree .

  26. 在穷举搜索真值表中最小项组基础上,通过检查和合并而实现逻辑函数的自动化简。

    All the strategy for searching the pre-processed true table , the examination and treatment of the minimum term assembles and the results synthesis are analyzed in it .

  27. 因此人们在配电网重构中采用了各种近似技术和启发式算法来避免进行穷举搜索,形成了比较成熟的方法和相关理论,但现有方法都存在着不足。

    Various of approximate technology and heuristic algorithms have been used in distribution network reconfiguration to avoid exhaustive search and mature method and related theory have been formed but existing methods still have some shortages .

  28. [过程和方法]采用线性分组、穷举搜索法找到每一个设备参数的最佳线性模型,利用多个模型实现对同一个设备参数进行故障检测。

    Using linear dividing into groups and all possible search to obtain a series of optimum linear model for every equipment parameter . Using multi model to realize carrying on the fault detection to same parameter .

  29. 建立仿射变换模型来近似相应特征点邻域的几何变换,用确定性退火方法计算模型参数,避免了耗时的穷举搜索。

    An affine transform model was established to approximate the geometrical changes between two windows of corresponding feature , the parameters of the model was computed by deterministic annealing , in this way , to avoid time-consuming exhaustive searches .

  30. 提出了一种线与多边形矢量数据的压缩方法,并在此方法的基础上提出了基于非拓扑关系的穷举搜索压缩法。

    A compression method of the line and the polygon vector data is given in this paper . At the foundation of this method , the compression method of the all-list-search which is based on non-topology relation is put forward .