
  • 网络Bank of the Poor;Banking for the Poor;Pauper's Bank;BWTP
  1. 穷人银行:从传统信贷中突围

    The Poors ' Bank Has Broken Through From Traditional Credit

  2. 穷人银行:调节贫富的杠杆

    The Poors ' Bank : A Lever to Adjust Rich and Poor

  3. 穷人银行:和谐社会的音符

    The Poors ' Bank : Notes of the Harmonious Society

  4. 它们在一些非洲国家的广泛使用,使非洲处于帮穷人获得银行服务的努力的前沿。

    Their widespread use in some African countries has put the continent at the forefront of efforts to secure banking services for the poor .

  5. 若是一个银行的行长,准许一个穷人到银行库中去任意取他所要的;假定那个穷人出来的时侯,只带了一文钱,这是谁的过失呢?

    If a man is admitted into the bullion vault of a bank , and told to help himself , and comes out with one cent , whose fault is it that he is poor ?

  6. 接济穷人的食物银行、避难所以及危机中心,在假期都会因为工作繁忙出现人手短缺的情况。

    Volunteer Food banks , shelters and crisis centers are short-staffed during holidays when the demand is greatest .

  7. 两大问题就是进入银行和安全网络的途径,世行称,3/4的穷人无法接触银行,这意味着他们的社区无法得到存款以促进增长。

    Two issues are access to banks and safety nets . The World Bank says three fourths of the poor have no access to banks . That means no savings in their communities to finance growth . The problem is greater for women . Poor women are twenty-eight percent less likely to have bank accounts than poor men .

  8. 多年来,活动家们一直在为了让世界上的穷人更好地获得银行服务而努力。他们指出,像开设银行账户、以及进一步提供信贷这样简单的事,可以成为帮助人们摆脱贫困的最有效工具。

    Campaigners have for years been battling to get the world 's poor better access to banking , arguing that something as simple as setting up a bank account and , better yet , providing credit can be the most effective tools to help people rise out of poverty .