
qióng tú
  • dead end
穷途 [qióng tú]
  • [dead end] 路已走到尽头,比喻处境艰危

穷途[qióng tú]
  1. “中国画已到了穷途末日的时候”,这个说法,成了画界的时髦话题。

    " Chinese painting already reached a dead end ", this view has become a fashionable topic of drawing circles .

  2. 穷途短计。

    When one is very poor , his ambition is not far-reaching .

  3. 他父亲穷途落魄,担惊受怕,但仍努力不懈。

    His father was desperate and frightened , but obstinately fighting .

  4. 他们选用她担任这项职务,想必是穷途之策了。

    They must have scraped the bottom of the barrel when chose her to fill that position .

  5. 在这个目空一切的女人面前,像他这样上了年纪的老人和一个日暮穷途的演员,最希望得到的不是崇拜,而是尊重。

    Faced with this contemptuous woman , what he desired most , as ageing man and precarious actor , was respect rather than admiration .

  6. 在前方满是荆棘和泥泞的道路上,此外,也许还有更多的“歧路”和“穷途”,一个人更需有坚忍不拔的意志和顽强的毅力。

    In the life journey with bramble and miriness in the frontage , furthermore , perhaps it occurs more " branch roads " and " dead ends " .