
  • 网络Argo
  1. 嫁妆孟买果阿果阿是为葡萄牙在东方的基础,并为它的美丽与安宁而著名。

    Goa was the base for the Portuguese in the East and was famed for it 's beauty and tranquility .

  2. 钱永键说,也许他的奖项能激励更多的年轻人投身于基础理论的研究,使中国通向阿果奖之路更加明朗。

    Roger Tsien said maybe his winning of the Nobel Prize might encourage more Chinese young people to research basic theories , showing China a way to the Nobel Prize .

  3. 本文主要分三个章节阐述了这一主题:第一章首先从纵向上探讨了古希腊雅典阿果拉兴起、发展、繁荣和衰落的历史。

    The paper is divided into three chapters on the themes : In the first chapter , I firstly study the rise , development , prosperity and decline of ancient Athenian Agora from a vertical position .