
  • 网络Kaifeng Prefecture;KaiFeng Mansion;KaiFeng government office
  1. 北宋开封府管理制度研究

    A Study of the Administrative System of Kaifeng Prefecture in the Northern Song Dynasty

  2. 北宋城市公共事务管理探析&以东京开封府为中心

    An Analysis of the Management of the Public Affairs in Cities in North Song Dynasty & Centre on Kai-Feng-Fu

  3. 它的设立,有效地分担了府界提点官的负担,加强了对开封府周边地区的治理。

    When the capital Surround Tidianxingyusi was build , it separated the Tidianzhuxianzhen officer 's power , and strengthened the Kaifeng surround 's ruling .

  4. 就北宋开封府界提点官略加分析,并将一代提点列为年表,为宋代文史研究者提供资料。

    This paper analyses Kaifeng Fu Jie Ti Dian Guan in North Song Dynasty and makes a year-list and provides some materials for the researchers on Song Dynasty history .

  5. 其采取的一系列措施给旧有的封闭式坊市制度带来了巨大的冲击,促进了城市工商业发展,并使都城东京开封府初步形成了三城相套的格局。

    The series of measures taken to City Square to the old closed system of tremendous impact , promotion of the city industrial and commercial development , making the capital of Kaifeng city government formed a three-phase sets of the pattern .

  6. 书院的设置时间上集中于康熙中期和乾隆初期,地域上集中于开封、河南两府。

    The time of setup of Shuyuan was centralized in the middle of Kang-xi and the early of Qianlong . The sites of the large number of Shuyuan were Kaifeng and Henan prefecture where the shuyuan is universal .