
  • 网络Dishonorable Discharge;Bad Conduct Discharge
  1. 那军官因拒不服从命令而被开除军籍。

    The officer was drummed out of the force for refusing to obey orders .

  2. 据估计,该政策出台后,被开除军籍的人数高达1.35万人。去年五月份今日美国一项调查显示,58%的保守党和共和党支持同性恋男女公开服役。

    A USA Today / Gallup Poll last May showed that fifty-eight percent of conservatives and Republicans supported letting gays and lesbians serve openly .

  3. 他因行为不轨被开除了军籍。

    He was given a dishonourable discharge .

  4. 泰迪·达洛维——185220磅,五个月之前被开除了军籍。

    Teddy Dalloway - 6 '2 , " 220 pounds , discharged from the army five months ago .