
kāi lián
  • start harvesting
开镰 [kāi lián]
  • [start harvesting] 指庄稼成熟,开始收割

开镰[kāi lián]
  1. 你要计算七七日,从你开镰收割禾稼时算起,共计七七日。

    Let seven weeks be numbered from the first day when the grain is cut .

  2. 下星期将开镰收割稻子,在此期间,我们做播种小麦的准备工作。

    The rice will be harvested next week , and in the meantime we are making preparations to sow wheat .

  3. 当谷物女神走到即将开镰收割的麦田时,鼓乐齐鸣,欢声四起。

    When the " goddess of cereals " come soon begins harvesting the wheat harvest , the music is that the cheers everywhere .