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yíng yì
  • brim over
盈溢 [yíng yì]
  • [brim over] 充溢;洋溢

  • 热情盈溢

盈溢[yíng yì]
  1. 他那双憔悴的蓝眼睛里盈溢着的不全是辛酸泪。

    The tears that swam in his faded blue eyes were not altogether those of unhappiness .

  2. 生活无法经常充满欢乐,但我们能让它盈溢着满满的爱。

    Our life cannot always be full of happiness but it can always be full of love !

  3. 3.生活尽管无法经常充满快乐,但我们能够让它盈溢著满满的爱!

    eg. Our life cannot always be full of happiness but it can always be full of love !

  4. 这样,你的仓房,必充满有馀,你的酒榨,有新酒盈溢。

    So shall thy barns be filled with plenty , and thy presses shall burst out with new wine .

  5. 每当我害怕生命或许就要止息,我的笔来不及苦集盈溢的思绪,

    When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain ,

  6. 他的心盈溢著对人类的爱,但他从不宽容他们的罪。

    His heart overflowed with love for the whole human race , but He was never indulgent to their sins .

  7. 在那里他冥想着脑海中盈溢的幻象,并且构思着各种结构和形态,思索着如何在大理石雕中更为逼真地体现出永恒之美。

    There he would meditate upon the visions that filled his mind , and there devise the forms of beauty which later became immortal in breathing marble .

  8. 同时,由于庐隐本我经验的原因,她的女性自觉意识盈溢着消极的、悲哀的色彩,影响了她无法对于自身的超越。

    But on account of her " egotist experience ", her feminine self-consciousness was filled with " pessimistic " and gloomy color , which greatly influenced the transcendence of herself .