
yíng lì lǜ
  • profit rate
  1. 经与现行的主伐年龄相比,其内部收益率均有较大提高,盈利率提高量最高可达8%以上,经济效果十分显著。

    Comparing the felling age determined by our models with the current felling age , the internal rate of return can be raised and the maximum profit rate can be increased by over 8 % .

  2. 讨论了净现值及其派生指标净现值率、平均盈利指数以及平均年盈利率等指标的概念及特点。

    This Paper discusses the conception and characteristics of the net present value ( NPV ) and its derivative index such as net present value ratio , average profitability index and annual average profit rate .

  3. 本文论述了在石油勘探开发中利用现金流动曲线和盈利率DCFR来分析油田开发经济效益的方法。

    The paper discusses some methods of economic analysis especially the DCF curve aud DCFR used to analyze the economic profits and trends of oilfield exploration and development .

  4. 评估盈利率、或者从不同方面分析毛利的查询

    Queries that assess profitability , or analyze margins from different perspectives

  5. 关于学生保险中的风险与盈利率的探讨

    Discuss on profit margin and risk in students insurance

  6. 在新加坡得到的盈利率甚至还更低。

    The ratio in Singapore is even lower .

  7. 上市公司的可持续增长比率与公司盈利能力正相关,即盈利率越高,可持续增长比率也越高。

    That 's to say , the higher earning rate , the higher sustainable growth rate .

  8. 统一的社会平均盈利率

    Unified average social rate of profit

  9. 固定资产盈利率国营农场为375.61%,独立经营小区为150.28%;

    Fixed fund profit ratio in state-run farm is 375.61 % , in independent management area is 150.28 % ;

  10. 比一般盈利率增长速度快并期望连续盈利的公司股票。

    Stock of a corporation that has had faster than average gains in earnings and is expected to continue to .

  11. 同时,供水企业供给能力的扩大通常需要巨额投资,需要合适的盈利率。

    Meanwhile , the enlargement of the supply capability of the industry usually needs huge investments and suitable profit rates .

  12. 为收购方寻求来自于自身之外的收购资金或过桥资金,通过杠杆效应加大一笔收购的盈利率。

    Find purchase transeunt funds and bridge funds for purchasers , then to increase the rate of return through leverage effect .

  13. 记好帐能提供财务数据,有助于你更有效地经营业务,从而使企业提高盈利率。

    Good records provide the financial data that help you operate more efficiently , thus increasing the profitability of your enterprise .

  14. 投资的目的是为了最大化的盈利率,该计划书体现了盈利逻辑,为项目的运营提供了明确指引。

    Investment purpose to get profit maximize , and this plan show us the profit logic and provide clear direction for running it .

  15. 产品盈利性分析:支持通过跟踪成本、折扣和售价分析产品盈利率的情况。

    Product profitability analysis : supports the scenario of analyzing the product sales margin by tracking costs , discounts , and selling prices .

  16. 低利率对有着大量存款基础的欧洲银行来说也是痛苦的,因为新生贷款的盈利率受到挤压。

    Low interest rates are also painful for European banks that have large deposit bases , because profit margins on new lending are squeezed .

  17. (438页)斯密称,盈利率最高的国家,始终是崩溃得最迅速的。

    [ 438 ] And rate of profit , Smith claimed , is always highest in the countries that are going fastest to ruin .

  18. 鉴于中国参与在国内与欧洲都获得了广泛的政治支持,拯救方案必须提供高效安全的盈利率。

    For Chinese participation to receive broad political support both at home and in Europe , the rescue plan must provide sufficient safety margins for success .

  19. 用小型股作为投资标准的另一个问题是,由于原料和工业类公司所占的比例很高,小型股公司通常盈利率很低,而收益的波动性更高。

    Another issue with using small caps as a proxy is that they tend to have low profitability and higher volatility of earnings , given the high proportion of materials and industrial companies .

  20. 外商也强烈偏好资本技术密集型产业以及在国际市场上具有显著比较优势、盈利率高的产业。

    Investors also highly favor capital and technology intensive industries and are drawn to the most profitable and exporting industries , but avoid industries with high effective wage rates and high entry barriers .

  21. 按所定的主伐年龄采伐比按现行的主伐年龄采伐,经济盈利率一般可提高3%~4%。

    By using this maturity age in final felling , the rate of economical profit may be increased 3 ~ 4 % than using the maturity age of final felling used at present .

  22. 另外,国有商业银行因承担过多本行业外的改革成本,导致自身改革缓慢推进,出现了资本充足率低、不良资产率高、盈利率低的问题。

    In addition , the excessive reform cost from other industries born by - owned commercial banks lead to low capital adequacy rate , high rate of bad assets and low rate of profitability .

  23. 在我国,长期以来基础设施项目由国家垄断经营,其产品和服务的盈利率很低,很难面向市场融资。

    In our country , the infrastructure has been managed for a long time by national monopoly , the profit rates of products and service are very low , and it is very difficult to raise fund from the market .

  24. 对于企业来说,外部融资环境的好坏、自身筹资能力的强弱以及资金盈利率的高低,不仅是自身发展状况的晴雨表更是决定其未来竞争力的重要因素之一。

    As for enterprises , good external financing environment , strong self fund-raising ability and high capital profit rate are not only the barometer to present an enterprise 's developing condition but also an important factor to decide its future competitiveness .

  25. 所以说,利率市场化进程中资产负债管理和利率预测并不能显著提升银行的盈利率,同时也说明样本银行在利率预测和资产负债管理上还存在诸多问题。

    Therefore , the process of market-oriented interest rate asset-liability management and interest rate forecasts are not significantly improve the profitability of banks , while banks in the sample also shows that interest rate forecasts and asset-liability management problems still exist .