
  • 网络financial system
  1. 论公共财政体系在中国经济体制改革中的基础性地位

    On Fundamental Role of Public Financial System in China 's Economy System Reform

  2. 中国已初步建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的公共财政体系。

    The public financial system in conformity with socialist market economy has been set up in our country .

  3. 但我们面临着更复杂的局面:欧洲部分国家的疲弱,可能会影响到欧盟(EU)的货币、信贷乃至财政体系,并导致危险的后果。

    But we face the added complication that weaknesses in parts of Europe can infect the European Union 's monetary , credit and even fiscal systems , with dangerous consequences .

  4. 在公共财政体系中完善政府采购制度

    The Perfection of the Government Purchase System in Public Finance System

  5. 构建潮州市公共财政体系的思考

    Thoughts on the Setting-up of Public Finance System in Chaozhou City

  6. 制度均衡:构建农村公共财政体系

    System Well Balanced : Set up Public Finance System of Village

  7. 在信息资源建设中引入公共财政体系。

    Depend on the public finance system to make information resource .

  8. 简析公共财政体系下财政支出结构的调整

    Briefly On Adjusting the Composition of Fiscal Expenditures in Public Finance System

  9. 经济转轨时期中国公共财政体系的构建研究

    On Building up the Public Fiscal System during the Economic Transition in China

  10. 在公共财政体系框架下实施积极财政政策&兼论提高中央政府投资能力问题

    To Carry out Positive Financial Policy at the Frame of Public Financial System

  11. 他表示,他希望重塑负责任的财政体系。

    He said he wanted to restore fiscal responsibility .

  12. 这场危机暴露了我们财政体系的三大断层。

    The crisis has exposed three big fault lines in our fiscal systems .

  13. 健全公共财政体系。

    We will strengthen the public finance system .

  14. 财政体系的不平等分配效应;住房市场改革所产生的不平等效应。

    The effects generated by unequal distribution of public finance and by housing market reform .

  15. 《政府采购法》的颁布,是我国财政体系改革和财政法制建设的一件大事,也是招投标行业的一件大事;

    The government stock law is important for finance system reformation and finance law construction .

  16. 地方政府债务问题一直是我国财政体系亟待解决的问题之一。

    Local government debt is one of the problems of China finance system demanding prompt solution .

  17. 他也标榜自己是位亲力亲为的改革者,力图修补美国竞选财政体系的漏洞。

    He also styles himself a hands-on reformer who has tried to fix america 's campaign-finance system .

  18. 中国有着丰富的激励空间,因为它骄傲地把握着在所有大型经济实体中最为健康的财政体系。

    China has ample room for a stimulus because it boasts the healthiest fiscal position of any big economy .

  19. 深化财税体制改革,加快公共财政体系建设。

    We will deepen reform of the fiscal and taxation systems and accelerate improvement in the public finance system .

  20. 但是随着一些项目所在国政治和财政体系的瓦解,中国国有企业正在发现这种政策较为不利的一面。

    But as political and fiscal systems unravel , Chinese state-owned companies are discovering the darker side of this policy .

  21. 构建适合和谐社会发展需要的科学合理的土地财政体系应当是我们的选择。

    Building a harmonious society for scientific and reasonable development of the land financial system needed should be our choice .

  22. 创建和完善教育财政体系是我国二十一世纪教育发展的制度性保证。

    Founding and perfecting the system of the education finance is guarantee on rules about the 21st education development in China .

  23. 只要存在不同的财政体系且避税属于合法行为,税收套利就不会消亡。

    Tax arbitrage will survive as long as there are different fiscal systems , and tax avoidance is not against the law .

  24. 我国地域辽阔、政府级次多,整个地方财政体系尚处于不尽完善的状况,地方财政问题是当前应当加强研究的重大现实问题。

    Local financial system is not in a perfect conditions , local financial problem is a surgent problem that to be solved .

  25. 他那个公共财政体系实在是笨拙不堪,就连他自己也有点看不下去。

    The public-finance system Mr McCain helped design is so unwieldy that even the man who invented it finds it a nightmare .

  26. 这些举措将会对意大利的劳动力市场和福利津贴、不平衡的养老金和财政体系产生改变。

    Such measures would involve changes to the labor market and welfare benefits , and to Italy 's lopsided pension and fiscal systems .

  27. 实行会计集中核算制度是建立和完善我国公共财政体系的一项重要措施。

    Carrying out the system of accountant 's centralist accounting is important measure to refrom and improve on the public financial systems in China .

  28. 政府预算管理体制是处理一国财政体系中各级政府间财政分配关系的一项基本制度,我国现行的政府预算管理体制存在着若干问题。

    System of government budget is a basic system in dealing with the connection of finance distribution among all levels of government in a nation .

  29. 科技财政体系是一个有机整体,必须用全面的联系的思路去观察、分析,才能得到较为正确的观点。

    Technology financial system is an organic whole . Contact must be comprehensive to the idea of observation and analysis , can be more accurate view .

  30. 介绍社会中介组织介入公共服务领域的理论支持与成功经验,提出社会中介组织的发展与完善必然与公共财政体系的建立息息相关;最后对社会中介组织在行政法中的机能作了分析。

    Last I analyst theory support and successful experience of social intermediate organization entering public service field and function of social intermediate organization in administrative law .