
jīnɡ jì shèn tòu
  • Economic penetration;economic infiltration
  1. 晚明旅游活动的经济渗透&关于晚明旅游近代化的商榷

    Economic Infiltration in Tourist Activities in the Late Ming Dynasty : Review of Tourist Modernization

  2. 根据非洲发展银行集团首席经济学家mthulincube的介绍,从整个非洲大陆的角度看,中国在这里的经济渗透步伐已经远远超过了美国。

    On a continental scale , china 's deal-making pace far exceeds the u.s. 's , according to mthuli ncube , chief economist at the African Development Bank group .

  3. 1600年英国东印度公司的建立是经济渗透的实例。

    The British East India Company established in 1600 .

  4. 其实,真正的原因在于过去两年中国大幅增加货币供应,这些供应目前仍在不断向实体经济渗透。

    The root cause is a massive increase in the money supply over the past two years that is still filtering through the economy .

  5. 同时,语言中的经济渗透也带来了语言纯洁性的破坏和语言的殖民化倾向。

    Meanwhile , the phenomenon of the economic penetration in neologisms also brings the consequences of the violation of language purity and language colonization .

  6. 西方列强的经济渗透和政治控制非但没有减弱反而增大,中东到20世纪初期仍未摆脱困境,而近代的这次撞击、裂变和震荡持续一百多年,余波延续到20世纪后期。

    Until the early 20th century , the Middle East had not extricated itself from a predicament , and moreover , these lash , stop and shock had continued till the later 20th century .

  7. 近代中国的转型,使得交换经济渗透到社会生活的各个层面,社会需要新的组织方式,国家也需要通过重构新的政权形式来实现目标。

    The reforming of the modern China , causes the commodity economy to seep to the social life . The social need new organization way , the country also needs through to restructure the new political power form to achieve the goal .

  8. 伦理与经济互相渗透,互相作用,在一定意义上互为一体。

    Ethic and economy interact and are infiltrated into each other .

  9. 《五色石》产生于商业经济迅速渗透的时代。

    " Wu Se Shi " produced in a era of economic development .

  10. 同时剖析了湖南酒业的发展对促进湖南经济的渗透作用。

    It also elaborates the economic penetration effect of wine industry development on Hunan 's economy .

  11. 当今世界科技与经济相互渗透和融合,已经成为知识经济时代的重要特征。

    Nowadays economy and science and technology and fusion , the era of knowledge economy has become the important characteristics .

  12. 当今文化学的观点认为,人类的经济活动渗透了民俗文化的因素,经济与民俗文化是一个互动的过程。

    According to culturology , it is held that folklore culture is penetrating the activities of human beings , and economy and folklore culture are interacting each other .

  13. 经济竞争渗透着政治利益冲突,政治利益冲突又推动着经济竞争或对抗,而能源一直是这种政治经济大竞赛的一个关键领域。

    The economic competition is intertwined with political conflicts which in turn have fostered economic competition or even confrontation . Among all these competitions energy has always been a key issue .

  14. 现代社会,文化因素越来越多地向经济活动渗透,使经济获得了新的发展态势和动力。

    In the modern society , culture is becoming increasingly penetrating into the economic activities , which put new life into the economy and gives it new power and trend of development .

  15. 然而,一个运行良好、结构完善的房地产市场离不开一个能与市场相吻合、将国家宏观经济政策渗透于市场的、高效的、完备的房地产税收制度。

    However , a well-running Real estate market needs an efficient and self-contained tax system , which can fit close with the internal market and have the national economic policy to influence the market .

  16. 知识经济已渗透到社会和经济的各个领域,同样也给会计领域带来了巨大的冲击,会计革新已成为一个崭新的课题。

    The knowledge economy has infiltrated into all fields of the society and economy , and also brings huge impact on the accounting field , and the accounting innovation has become a quite new problem .

  17. 广告对社会文化经济的渗透已经构成了我们社会生活空间强大的符号认同系统和互动体系,必将进一步促使广告理论在系统建构上表现出更为开阔的空间。

    The penetration of advertisement into the society and culture has formed the great mutual symbolic system and interaction system in our society , and will promote the advertisment in broader space in its theoretical building .

  18. 当下文化与政治、经济相互渗透,并且在国民经济中扮演着日益重要的角色,文化也是生产力,文化即是软实力也是硬实力。

    In morden word , Cultural arid political , economic is interacting with each other , and in the national economy shows an increasingly important role . Culture is also productive , cultural is the soft power and hard power .

  19. 知识经济已经渗透进我们社会的每一个部分,篮球运动理论知识也不应只停留在原来的水平上,也将随着社会的发展,随着运动技、战术的发展而不断创新。

    Knowledge-economy has leeped into each section of our society , So basketball sports theory must not stay at the former level too . With the development of our society , technology and tactics , it will keep making innovations .

  20. 在中国转型背景下,效率优先精神已从单纯的经济领域渗透到社会整体价值的方方面面,导致社会整体价值错位。

    Under the background of Chinese transition , the spirit of giving priority to efficiency has affected not only the economic sphere but also the every side of whole corporate social value , which has led social value to be misplaced .

  21. 知识资产对农业经济增长的渗透

    Knowledge Assets ' Penetration to Agricultural Economic Growth

  22. 但是随着其在全球经济中的渗透加深,这种立场正在接受着考验。

    But that stance is being tested by its ever-closer integration in the global economy .

  23. 商品流通领域的电子商务应用具有先导性,必将加快向经济生活的渗透和扩散。

    The application of e-commerce in the area of commodity circulation can quicken its infiltration and pervasion into the economic life .

  24. 经济道德只有渗透到生产和销售的全过程,道德力量才能得以实现。

    Only when the process of production and marketing is penetrated with commercial ethics , can moral power come into force .

  25. 旅游业发展应该打破单一发展模式,向其他经济领域融合渗透,形成多元化发展趋势。

    The development of tourism should break up the single product developing system and form a multi product pattern , infiltrating other economic fields .

  26. 分别在宗教和世俗法律之间是反射状态的更加发出音的角色在社会的新发展,并且西部经济和文化渗透。

    The distinction between religious and secular law is a recent development that reflects the more pronounced role of the state in society , and western economic and cultural penetration .

  27. 随着国际竞争的不断发展和知识经济的不断渗透,创新已经成为区域发展竞争力的核心要素。

    With the development of the new economy and the trends of more furious competition between economies , the innovation has become a vital factor to the success of regional development .

  28. 特色:汉语教学与中国文化体验相结合,语言文化学习与上海(国)市经济发展相渗透。

    Highlights : A combination of the Chinese language acquisition with the Chinese culture experience ; a balance between the Chinese language & culture knowledge and Shanghai / China economic development information .

  29. 围绕产业结构的不断升级和深化,文化创意产业正方兴未艾,并与经济领域相互渗透,在一定的区域形成空间上的聚集。

    As the industrial structure is continuously upgraded and further developed , and the innovative and cultural industry is experiencing a fast development and integrates with the economic sector , the clustered development is formed in some regions .

  30. 随着全球化对社会、文化、经济的快速渗透,世界范围内的文化趋同严重威胁着地域文化遗存的传统价值,文化的地域性和特色性逐渐削弱甚至消亡。

    With the rapid penetration of globalization on social , cultural , economic , the worldwide cultural convergence is a serious threat to the traditional value of regional culture inheritance , regional and cultural characteristics of the gradual decline and even extinction .