
jīnɡ jì lián hé
  • economic unity
  1. 饭店集团是在饭店业高度发展基础上形成的一种由众多饭店组织共同构建,通过资本融合和经营协作关系等方式组成的经济联合体。

    Hotel Group is a sort of economic conglomerate that is formed by a number of hotels through capital combination and business cooperation on the basis of a highly developed Hotel industry .

  2. 世界贸易组织(WTO)是独立于联合国的永久性国际组织,也是当今世界上最有影响力的经济联合体。

    WTO is the permanent international organization independent from the UN and the most influential economic association in the current world .

  3. WTO,即世界贸易组织,是当今世界上唯一处理国与国之间贸易规则的国际组织,有经济联合国之称。

    The World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) is the only international organization dealing with the rules of trade between countries . It 's the economic United Nations .

  4. 面对新的挑战,具有经济联合国之称的WTO无动于衷,而国际劳工组织却心有余而力不足,因而双双受到强烈的批评。

    In face of the new challenge , WTO , the so-called Economic United Nations , remains completely unmoved . ILO is more than willing but lacking the power .

  5. WTO中的《TRIMs协议》和《GATS》等协议要求各成员方予以外国投资国民待遇,凭经济联合国的威力,将国民待遇原则真正扩展到国际投资法领域。

    TRIMs , GATS and other agreements in WTO demand all components render the national treatment to FDI .

  6. 实际上,今天的货币之间的战争是发生在“Chimerica”我所谓的中国和美国经济联合体以及世界其他地区之间。

    In reality , today 's currency war is between " Chimerica " as I 've called the united economies of China and America and the rest of the world .

  7. 欧洲经济联合体或联盟(共体)在提升权力向世界一极移动。

    The European Union has also moved far beyond the economic sphere .

  8. 横向经济联合发展的不同阶段及其主要特点

    Horizontal Economic Association at Different Stages and Their Chief Characteristics

  9. 区域经济联合协作的动力机制研究

    The Dynamics of Regional Economic Cooperation and Coordination in China

  10. 对地勘单位进一步发展横向经济联合的构想

    Some ideas on further developing horizontal economic ties for geological and prospecting units

  11. 京津经济联合的相关分析

    Analysis on Economic Cooperations between Beijing and Tianjin

  12. 首脑会议政治经济联合公报

    Joint Political and Economic Communique of the Summit

  13. 不同所有制企业横向经济联合中利益分配问题初探

    A Study on Profit Distribution among Enterprises of Different Ownerships in an Economic Association

  14. 关于企业横向经济联合问题;

    Horizontal economic association among the enterprises ;

  15. 我国旅行社业经济联合体模式探讨

    An Inquiry into the Pattern of the Economic Assoication of Travel Agency Industry of China

  16. 广泛发展与社会各行业的横向经济联合,是每个企业的需要。

    Every enterprise needs to develop lateral economic association with all the other trades in society .

  17. 阿拉伯经济联合发展战略

    Strategy for Joint Arab Economic Development

  18. 这些经济联合体是我

    These economic combine are me

  19. 有关的法律法规建设是区域经济联合发展有序化和正规化的重要保障。

    Lastly , the law and rules will ensure the normalization of regional economic cooperation and coordination .

  20. 企业集团作为若干企业组成的经济联合体,最重要的联结纽带是资金。

    Enterprise group composed of several enterprises as economic association , the most important link ties are funds .

  21. 实现规模化经营的有效途径是建立企业经济联合体,但选择何种模式的经济联合体能有效地促进旅行社业的发展却众说纷纭。

    The effective way to achieve the scale operation is to establish economic Association in travel agency industry .

  22. 新的经济联合是农村的社会主义合作经济形式的新发展。

    The new economic combine is a kind of new development of the socialist pattern of cooperative economy in agriculture .

  23. 为尽快建立区域经济联合体,必须寻找区域合作的切入点。

    To build region economy combine as soon as possible , must search what area cooperates to cut a point .

  24. 论东北亚经济联合的新制约因素和发展趋势

    On the New Restrictive Elements to the Economic Unification in Northeast Asia and the Developing Tendency of the Economic Cooperation

  25. 如果政府确保经济联合抵制毫无漏洞的话,很多麻烦本来是可以避免的。

    A lot of trouble could have been avoided if the government had made sure that the economic boycott was watertight .

  26. 于是,出现了跨行政区不同形式的经济联合,如经济技术协作区、经济协作区等。

    Thus , inter-administrative different forms of economic integration emerged , such as economic and technological cooperation zone , economic cooperation zones .

  27. 实践证明,横向经济联合,是发展社会主义市场经济的客观要求,是社会化大生产的必然趋势。

    It is proved that regional cooperation is the demand of socialist market economy as well as the demand of socialized production .

  28. 一个企业要搞活,就要广泛发展与社会各行业的横向经济联合。

    To enable its business to prosper , an enterprise should develop lateral economic association with all the other trades in society .

  29. 在经济联合过程中政府一般起着桥梁和纽带作用,企业是全面参与区域经济联合的主体;

    In the process of regional economic cooperation and coordination , the governments act as a bridge and the firms as main bodies .

  30. “即使当你渡过了难关,你还有很多事要做,”罗默对国会经济联合委员会说。

    " Even when you 've turned the corner , you have so much work to do ," Romer told Congress'Joint Economics Committee .