
  • 网络state interventionism;a more interventionist state
  1. 经济自由主义与国家干预主义这两大经济学说的争论,在很大程度上主导了经济学学派的兴衰更替,监管理论的演变就是在这一争论的背景下发生的。

    The arguments of economic liberalism and state interventionism largely dominated the rise and fall of different schools of economics . The evolution of regulation theory is carried out in this context .

  2. 由于早期的功利主义思想和新自由主义思潮无法解决市场机制的固有缺陷,于是社会利益观念和罗尔斯的正义论催生了国家干预主义。

    Because of the early utilitarianism thought and new liberalism cannot solve the inherent defect of market mechanism . The state interventionism comes from social benefits and John Rawls justice theory idea .

  3. 存异主要体现在国家干预主义和经济自由主义理论与政策取向之间的互不相容,趋同表现为两者之间互相吸收对方合理的理论并进行综合。

    " Seeking differences " reflects itself in the inconsistency between the country interventionism and economic liberalism .

  4. 20世纪70年代西方出现的滞胀又促成凯恩斯国家干预主义的衰落。

    And the stagflation in the 70s of 20th century leads to the declination of Kains country interventionism .

  5. 儒家还论证了自由主义工商管理政策的必要性,并对国家干预主义进行了多方面批判。

    As for business management , the Confucian was in liberal - ism and against interference from State .

  6. 因此,国家干预主义思潮的兴起,为20世纪初美国社会的全面变革奠定了坚实的理论基础。

    Thus , the rise of state interventionist thoughts established a solid theoretical base of the comprehensive changes in the American society of early 20th century .

  7. 国家干预主义思潮在理论上表现为国家职能说、国家主义的社会价值观,在实践上表现为国家干预主义理论指导下的政府对社会政治经济生活的调控。

    National interventionist thoughts performed the theory of state functions and the nationalism social values in theory , and the government regulating the social-political and economic life in practice under the guidance of the national interventionist theories .

  8. 随着新的信息技术,尤其是因特网的出现,经济全球化的浪潮日益高涨,国家干预主义和统治主义节节败退,市场竞争的障碍不断消除,资本流动更加自由化、全球化。

    With the development of information technology , especially the invention of the Internet , economy globalization has become the main trend ; the state intervention and domination are fading away and the barriers of market competition are being methodically eliminated with the circulation of capital more freely and globally .

  9. 很多专家认为,亚洲国家应当放弃货币干预主义。

    Many experts think that Asian countries should abandon currency interventionism .

  10. 不过,在国家干预方面,集体主义者仍在改善自己的立场。

    But when it comes to state intervention the collectivists are still improving their position .

  11. 西方市场经济国家政府行为职能的转变经历了经济自由主义和国家干预主义两种不同的经济理论和政策主张。

    The transformation of the function of the government in western market economic countries has been caried out been under the guidance of two different economic theories and policies - economic liberalism and government interference .