
  • 网络Zigong;Tzu Kung
子贡 [zǐ gòng]
  • [Zigong--a student of Confucius] 孔子的弟子。姓端木,名赐,字子贡。

  1. 孔子的忧虑,全让子贡看在眼里。

    Zi Gong detected Confucius 's worry from his face .

  2. 子贡觉得这些人不可理喻,因此就回去了。

    Zi Gong felt that they were irrational so he went back .

  3. 子贡看见这样的行径,大不以为然。

    Looking at it , Zi Gong felt it was out of convenance .

  4. 子贡注意到,一位农人在道旁菜园子里辛苦地工作。

    Zi Gong saw a farmer toiling in a vegetable garden nearby road .

  5. 子贡形象的现代阐释

    Modern Interpretation of the Figure of Zi Gong

  6. 子贡问什么是朋友。

    Zi Gong asked what is friendship .

  7. 昔者子贡、问于孔子曰:‘夫子圣矣乎?’

    Formerly Zi Gong asked Confucius , saying ," Master , are you a Sage ?"

  8. 子贡就问,不能有三样东西,只要两样呢?

    But if only one was chosen , what would be in the above two ?

  9. 子贡还是希望获得一些实际一点的例子,来帮助他了解孔子的解释。

    Zi Gong wanted to have some real example to understand further his teacher 's explanation .

  10. 实际上,子贡在儒学传承发展中起着极为重要的作用。

    In fact , Zi Gong played an important role in the spread and development of Confucianism .

  11. 子贡返回鲁国后,将在路上发生的这段插曲告诉他的老师孔子。

    After he returned to the State of Lu , Zi Gong told Confucius about the event .

  12. 子贡是精于礼仪的,这也是孔子派他来协助处理丧事的原因。

    Zi Gong was proficient in convenance , which was the reason why Confucius sent him to there .

  13. 子贡对孔子思想从政治、经济、军事等不同角度,进行了符合时代特点的发挥。

    Zi Gong developed Confucious'thought in accordance with the time in respect of politics , economics , military etc.

  14. 子贡说,“这本是上天使他成为圣人,又使他多才多艺。”

    Zi-gong said ," Undoubtedly it was Heaven that lavished upon him such great sageness and versatility . "

  15. 我子贡不过是一个为了功名利禄四处奔走,整天忙碌的庸俗之人。惭愧,惭愧!

    Me , Zi Gong is no more than a vulgar fellow who bustle around for the fame and interest .

  16. 子贡摇了摇头,认为这个乡下地方实在是太落伍了,工作如此的没有效率。

    Shaking his head , Zi Gong considered that this countryside lagged too much and the way of watering was ineffective .

  17. 本文试图从较深层面分析个中原因,并由此揭示子贡形象的历史意义和现实意义。

    This paper tries its best to analyze the deep-rooted reasons so that Zi Gong 's historical and realistic significance may be revealed .

  18. 子贡到楚国旅游,在返回晋国时,路过一个名叫汉阴的小镇。

    Zi Gong passed a small town called Hanyin when he traveled back to the State of Jin from the State of Chu .

  19. 子贡说:“我不愿意别人强加于我的,我也不要强加于他人。”

    Tzu-kung said ," What I don 't want others to impose on me , I will not impose on to the others . "

  20. 子贡抵达现场时,发现孟子反及子琴张两人在灵堂内手弹乐器,口中唱着他们自己编的曲子。

    When Zi Gong arrived , he saw men Zifan and Ziqin Zhang playing music and singing the song that they themselves composed in the morning hall .

  21. 子贡说:“贫穷而不巴结奉承,富贵而不骄傲自大,怎么样?”

    Zi Gong said ," What do you pronounce concerning the poor man who yet does not flatter , and the rich man who is not proud ?"

  22. 子贡觉得甚是奇怪,一般说来,老师对学成离校的学子,都是说些鼓励或恭贺的话;

    Zi Gong wondered why he showed his worry for Yan Yuang , usually he would speak of something to encourage or congratulate the students who graduated from school .

  23. 子贡做了卫国的宰相后,就衣锦著缎地带了浩浩荡荡一堆人马,穿荒越野去到贫民户探望原宪这位老同学。

    After Zi Gong became the Prime Minister of wei , he went , dressed in satin and accompanied by a large retinue of mounted men , through the wilderness to where the poor peasants lived , to visit his old friend Yuan xian .

  24. 在鲁商源起中,通过对历史文献的研究,确定鲁商的两位先行者分别为子贡和范蠡,通过分析他们的经商的过程以及他们的行事风格,总结他们的经商特点、文化特征以及人格魅力。

    Through the research on historical documents , we believe Zi Gong and Fan Li are the two forerunners of Shandong merchants , and we summarize the features of their businesses , cultural characteristics as well as individual charisma by analyzing the course of business and their behaviors .