
  1. 企业是技术创新的主体,只有它才能把技术与市场完美的结合起来。

    Enterprise is the undertaker of technology innovation for only it can put together technique and market perfectly .

  2. 艰苦的理论研究是有必要的,因为市场完美性的初始假设雇主与雇员掌握一切信息,而且更换工作没有成本非常不切实际。

    Hard theoretical work is required because the starting assumption of market perfection – employers and employees know everything and there are no costs for changing jobs – is so unrealistic .

  3. 在信息对称、市场完美的假设下,资本资产定价模型认为影响权益资本成本的是系统风险,通过对系统风险定价可以估计权益资本成本。

    Under both hypothesis of information symmetry and ideal market , CAPM regards system risk as the influential factor of equity capital cost . We can estimate equity capital cost via pricing system risk .

  4. 根据M-M定理,如果全球资本市场是完美的一体化市场,上市地点的选择是没有意义的。

    According to M-M theorem , the choice of listing location was useless if the global capital market was a perfect integration market .

  5. 市场不是完美的,政府也不是万能的。

    The market is not perfect and the government is not omnipotent .

  6. 中国将苏联模式的训练与市场激励完美地结合在一起。

    China has perfected a blend of Soviet-style training and market incentives for athletes .

  7. 但中国市场并非那样完美,也不是那么开放。

    But Chinese markets are not that perfect nor that open .

  8. 你需要在你的简历要市场自己的完美的工作吗?

    What Do You Need in Your Curriculum Vitae To Market Yourself for that Perfect Job ?

  9. 从令人惊叹的方程式中,可以看出理论研究的高度发展。这些方程式解释了经济学家所说的劳动力市场的不完美性。

    The theoretical flourishing is seen in impressive equations which explain the effects of what economists call imperfections on the labour market .

  10. 搜索的发电站,拥有将近一千四百九十亿美元的市场资本,完美的信息查找方案。

    The search powerhouse , with a market capitalization of nearly $ 149 billion , perfected how we find info on the Web .

  11. 新古典厂商投资理论把资本市场看成是完美的,从而忽略了金融因素对企业投资需求以及宏观经济波动的影响。

    The neoclassical corporations investment theory regards the capital-market as perfect one and ignores the financing factors which have important effects on investment and macro-economy .

  12. 特别是在金融市场存在不完美的情况下,企业内部资本市场承担了金融机构的某些功能以弥补金融市场和金融中介的局限性。

    Especially , when the finance market is incomplete , the internal capital market of the enterprise undertakes some functions to remedy the shortage of the finance market .

  13. 但是,现实的市场是不完美的,公司经理存在道德风险和逆向选择问题,代理成本是不可避免的。

    But , the reality of the market is not perfect , there is the issue of moral hazard and adverse selection in the manager of the company , agency costs are inevitable .

  14. 一些人决定浪子回头,就说“我们并没有什么问题呀”根据实证调查,产品市场的不完美程度,尚不足以确保不进行自由贸易。

    Some returned to the fold by saying that " there was no beef " that the product market imperfections were , on empirical investigation , not substantial enough to warrant departing from free trade .

  15. 信用市场的不完美性不仅仅触发了金融危机的产生,危机之前它本身的变化(各种金融工具的革新)也是美国房地产行业长期繁荣的重要原因,为危机埋下了伏笔。

    The imperfections of credit market trigger the financial crisis . The innovations of the various financial instruments of the U.S. lead to the prosperity of real estate industry in a long-term before the crisis .

  16. 但现实的股票市场并非是完美的市场,存在着各种交易费用,投资者之间也存在非对称信息,即现实市场并非是一个完全流动的市场。

    But in reality , the stock market is not a perfect market , there are various transaction costs , there is asymmetric information between investors , the real market is not a completely liquid market .

  17. 即使是轻微的信息不对称或风险市场中的不完美,也意味着市场不是有效的。

    Even small information asymmetries , or imperfections in risk markets , meant that markets were not efficient .

  18. 然而现实市场是很不完美的,因此,企业的套期保值就不是无关紧要的。

    However , the markets in real life are not perfect ones which makes hedging very important for different firms .

  19. 论文认为:混合经济理论揭示出政府机制和市场机制都不是完美的、但它们又是不可或缺的,两者都是经济正常运行的必要组成部分。

    The paper says that mixed economy theory reveals that government and market mechanisms are not perfect , but they are indispensable , both of which are integral to get the economy running .

  20. 所以基本的NOEM模型也融合了劳动力市场和产品市场中的不完美竞争、名义刚性和最优价格设定导致的时变利润。

    So basic NOEM model also combines imperfect competition in labor and product markets , nominal rigidities and the optimal price setting which due to time-varying profit .

  21. 价格行为的异象正说明市场上的信息未能达到有效市场要求的完美和完全的状态。

    The anomalies show that the information in market is neither perfect nor complete .

  22. 噪声使金融市场变得可能,但也可能使市场变得不完美。

    Noise makes financial market possible , but also makes them imperfect .

  23. 有效市场假说有两种:一种是大胆且未经证实的观点,认为金融市场近乎完美且无所不知。

    There are two efficient market hypotheses . One is the bold , unsubstantiated proposition that financial markets are close to perfect and all-knowing .

  24. 政府只需对市场失灵的部分进行调节,从宏观总体的层面对环境保护进行指导控制即可,从而实现行政手段和市场机制的完美结合,共同促进环境保护。

    The administrative method should be restricted in the public finance , guiding and controlling totally , and let the administrative way and the market way protect the environment together .