
  • 网络municipal securities;municipal bonds
  1. 特别是针对存量市政资产证券化模式的创新,笔者设计了政府分期采购模式和BT回顾模式,进而弥补了以往非经营性基础设施无法实施证券化操作的理论缺陷。

    Especially with regard to the stock of municipal asset securitization model of innovation , the author designed to be phased procurement model and BT recall mode , and then make up for past non-business infrastructure , unable to implement the theory of defects in the securitization operations .

  2. 基于这种分类结果,本文又将城市基础设施资产证券化的交易结构分为收费资产证券化模式和存量市政资产证券化模式。

    Based on this classification result , this turn of urban infrastructure asset securitization transaction structure is divided into charge mode and the stock of asset securitization municipal asset securitization model .

  3. 首先,笔者根据前文对城市基础设施的分类,将证券化操作的交易结构分为收费资产证券化模式和存量市政资产证券化模式,并利用图表分别描述其操作步骤。

    First of all , the author of the previous text of the classification of urban infrastructure will be operated securitization transaction structure is divided into charge mode and the stock of asset securitization municipal asset securitization model , and the use of graphs to describe their steps .

  4. 我国实施市政建设资产证券化的研究

    The Study of Asset Securitization in Municipal Facility Construction in China