
  • 网络fall in stock
  1. 诚然,商店关门、高管郁闷、股票下跌也说明情况并非如此。

    Of course , the closed stores , depressed executives , and sinking stocks suggest otherwise .

  2. 由Copula导出的下尾相关系数,可以度量股票下跌的风险,能为风险厌恶的投资者提供资产选择的有效信息。

    Lower tail dependence calculated by copula is a measure of downsides risk of stocks , and provides useful information for risk-averse investors .

  3. 周二,永利澳门(WynnMacau)股票下跌7.9%,至20.1港元。

    Shares in Wynn Macau tumbled as much as 7.9 per cent to HK $ 20.10 while Melco Crown Entertainment fell 7.2 per cent to HK $ 64.30 .

  4. 英国石油股价周一下跌1.0%,Rosneft在莫斯科交易的股票下跌1.7%。

    BP 's shares fell 1.0 % on Monday , while Rosneft 's shares fell 1.7 % in Moscow .

  5. 纳斯达克指数(Nasdaq)午盘交易时下跌3%,谷歌股票下跌4.75%。因投资者推测,微软可能重新向雅虎提出收购,雅虎股票上涨6.3%,至14.19美元。

    With the Nasdaq down 3 per cent in midday trading , Google shares were off 4.75 per cent , while Yahoo 's gained 6.3 per cent to $ 14.19 on speculation that Microsoft would now return with a takeover offer .

  6. 尽管花旗集团股价上周大幅下跌,但该公司首席执行长潘伟迪(VikramPandit)等高管都坚称,股票下跌不会对公司造成威胁,因为花旗仍有足够的资本和流动性。

    As Citigroup shares fell last week , Chief Executive Vikram Pandit and other top executives insisted that the plunge wasn 't a threat because the company has plenty of capital and liquidity .

  7. 由于股票下跌,这个股票经纪人受到了严重打击。

    The stock-broker was hard hit by the fall in stocks .

  8. 他任职期间,麦当劳股票下跌幅度约为60%。

    The stock was down roughly 60 % during his tenure .

  9. 上周五闭盘时,雅虎的股票下跌了1.76美元至12.20美元每股。

    Yahoo shares fell $ 1.76 to close Friday at $ 12.20 .

  10. 那位银行家读到股票下跌的新闻时,神情十分沮丧。

    The banker looked blue when he read of the decline in stocks .

  11. 伦敦市场的股票下跌。

    The share falls on the London market .

  12. 周四,在香港交易的联想股票下跌6.5%。

    Lenovo shares were down 6.5 per cent in Hong Kong trading on Thursday .

  13. 日本股市大涨;日经225(Nikkei225)指数中当日只有8只股票下跌。

    Equities roared ; only eight stocks on the Nikkei 225 fell for the day .

  14. 有时股票下跌,这证明他和他的公司已经融为一体。

    Occasionally the stock fell , prove positive that he and his company were one .

  15. 消息传来,在盘后交易中,特斯拉股票下跌7%,跌至每股189.95美元。

    Tesla 's shares were down 7 per cent in after-hours trading at $ 189.95 .

  16. 此外,投资人担心会造成药品价格下降的立法可能会通过,这些担心造成制药公司的股票下跌。

    Also , concerns over Legislation resulting in lower prices for drugs lowered drug company stocks .

  17. 在盖特纳周二讲话之后,股市下跌接近五个百分点,金融类股票下跌幅度最大。

    Stock markets fell almost five percent after he spoke Tuesday . Financial stocks lost the most .

  18. 10月份这只股票下跌了9%,原因是季度每股收益比分析师的预期低了1美分。

    The stock sank 9 % in October after quarterly earnings fell a penny short of analysts ' expectations .

  19. 美国国际集团的经理寻求吸引私人投资者,由于在美国的公司股票下跌。

    AIG 's managers are seeking to attract private investors as the U.S.winds down its stake in the company .

  20. 最近,亚马逊股票下跌,显然是投资者们因亚马逊为拓展平板电脑市场投入过多对公司及其首席执行官贝佐斯实施的惩戒。

    Investors recently punished Amazon and its chief Bezos for spending too much to gain traction in the tablet market .

  21. 毕竟,当股票下跌,裙摆也跟着向下延长时,总得有什么东西让人振奋起来。

    After all , when share prices fall and hemlines follow , then a guy needs something to cheer himself up .

  22. 香港恒生指数下跌到四年来的最低点,中国股票下跌到两年来的最低点。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index fell to a four-year low while China 's benchmark stocks dropped to a two-year low .

  23. 隔夜期货交易显示,华尔街更倾向于在星期一因股票下跌而损失4.24%寸头后静观其势而非在熊市中补仓。

    Overnight futures trading suggested that Wall Street would open to less bearish trading than the sell-off that fueled its4.24 % loss Monday .

  24. 由于股票下跌和其信用保险成本上升,瓦乔维亚改变目标,转而寻求买家。

    Wachovia has shifted its focus to finding a buyer as its shares have fallen and the cost of its credit insurance has soared .

  25. 股价从25美元暴跌至12美元。自从禽流感爆发以来,鸡肉产品的股票下跌了大约100点。

    Shares have slumped from $ 25 to $ 12 . Chicken stocks have lost roughly 100 points since the outbreak of bird flu .

  26. 今天,美国股票下跌严重,道琼斯指数为13103点,下降243个点,占收盘前总数的1.8%。

    Today , U.S. stocks dropped sharply with the Dow off 243 points before the close 1.8 % at 13103 . This is NPR .

  27. 包括亿万富翁沃仁-布非的伯克郡汉莎伟有限公司在内的切斯科股东们正在进行磋商,为开办第一家美国分公司做准备,切斯科股票下跌。

    The stock has slumped as Tesco , whose shareholders include billionaire Warren Buffett 's Berkshire Hathaway Inc , gets ready for its first US venture .

  28. 中国银行的股票下跌,今年和交易,在价格与帐面价值的比率,假设这些机构将蒙受其贷款组合的重大损失。

    The stocks of Chinese banks fell this year and were trading at price-to-book ratios that assumed these institutions would suffer substantial losses on their loan portfolios .

  29. 实证结果表明股票下跌的主要原因是市场行情类因素,即市场的整体走势是引起股票下跌的主要原因。

    The result shows that the main cause of the share price falling is the market quotation , which is the general trend of the stock market .

  30. 他的基金成立后没几个月,对中国经济增长放缓的恐惧和对欺诈的担心导致中资股票下跌。

    A matter of months after he launched his fund , fears of a slowdown in the Chinese economy and worries about fraud caused Chinese stocks to tumble .