
ɡǔ jià
  • stock price
  1. 利好消息发布后,该公司股价立时蹿升。

    After the good news was released , the company 's stock price witnessed a rapid rise .

  2. 在大型传统零售商中,沃尔玛最近公布了最佳业绩,致其股价飙升,而梅西百货、塔吉特百货和诺德斯特龙的股价下跌。

    Among large traditional retailers , Walmart recently reported the best results , leading its stock price to surge , while Macy 's , Target , and Nordstrom 's dropped .

  3. 股价从476便士猛涨到收盘536便士。

    Shares leapt in value from 476p to close at 536p .

  4. 这家公司撑过了最近股价的动荡。

    The company has survived the recent upset in share prices .

  5. 收盘时股价略有上扬。

    Share prices had perked up slightly by close of trading .

  6. 这消息使公司股价下跌13%。

    The news knocked 13 % off the company 's shares .

  7. 今日股市股价继续下跌。

    Shares continued to depreciate on the stock markets today .

  8. 科技热潮使得股价飙升到极高的水平。

    The technology boom sent share prices into the stratosphere .

  9. 合并消息传出,股价随即暴跌。

    Share prices took a sharp tumble following news of the merger .

  10. 股价由每股50便士猛降至20便士。

    The share price was chopped from 50 pence to 20 pence .

  11. 这份报告一公布,股价又跌了8便士。

    The report sent share prices down a further 8p .

  12. 股价从49便士暴跌到40便士的历史最低位。

    The share price dived from 49p to an all-time low of 40p .

  13. 股价下跌了14便士。

    The price of shares dropped by 14p .

  14. 股价猛跌不止。

    Share prices have gone into free fall .

  15. 今日纽约证券交易所的股价下跌。

    Share prices fell on Wall Street today .

  16. 股价下跌了14便士。

    Shares dropped in price by 14p .

  17. 股价上升了14便士,到262便士。

    The shares gained 14p to 262p .

  18. 股价跌到了10年来的最低点。

    Shares slid to a 10-year low .

  19. 股价降低了30便士。

    Share prices fell 30p .

  20. 股价活力十足。

    Share prices are fizzing .

  21. 股价猛涨。

    Share prices surged .

  22. 东京股价已连续第6天猛跌。

    In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day

  23. 股票经纪人降低了他们的利润预期之后,股价下跌了11便士至293便士。

    Shares slid 11p to 293p after brokers downgraded their profit estimates

  24. 股票在震荡中进一步下跌,直到股价达到某个新的平衡点。

    Stocks seesawed ever lower until prices found some new level of equilibrium

  25. 除股价上升之外还有无形利益。

    There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price .

  26. 东京股市的股价今天继续暴跌。

    Share prices continued to tumble today on the Tokyo stock market .

  27. 英国天然气公司股价上涨1便士,以287便士收盘。

    British Gas shares ended the day 1p up at 287p

  28. 随着股价下跌,银行资本也减少了。

    As stock prices have dropped , so too has bank capital .

  29. 市场可能会抛售该股票,从而令其股价下跌。

    The market might abandon the stock , and knock down its price

  30. 捷豹汽车的股价攀升了43便士,达到510便士。

    Jaguar shares climbed 43 pence to 510 pence .