
  • 网络reits;abs;financing way;financing mode
  1. 我国国有企业MBO过程中的融资方式研究

    Study on the Financing Way of MBO in State-owned Enterprises of Our Country

  2. 而BOT模式作为一项重要融资方式,也越来越受到人们的重视。

    But more and more people look BOT financial mode as an important financing way .

  3. 企业融资方式选择的AHP模型及其应用

    An AHP Model Applied to the Selection of Enterprise Financing Means

  4. 基于AHP法下的甘肃高速公路项目融资方式的选择

    The Choice of Project Financing Models on Gansu Highway Based on AHP

  5. 关于BOT与ABS项目融资方式的差异分析

    Analyses of the Differences between Program Financing Modes of BOT and ABS

  6. 我国铁路基本建设引入BOT融资方式探讨

    Discussion upon Introducing BOT Mode into China Railway Foundational Construction

  7. BOT融资方式在我国发展的探讨

    Discussion on the development of BOT financing pattern in China

  8. 对高速公路建设中采用BOT融资方式的探讨

    An Analysis of Adopting of BOT Method in Expressway Construction

  9. 采用BT融资方式投资建设北京地铁奥运支线

    Building Olympic Branch Line of Beijing Subway by the Investment of BT Mode Financing

  10. BOT作为一种特殊的投融资方式对我国基础设施的建设有很大的促进作用。

    As a kind of special financing mode in China , BOT has promote the infrastructure construction greatly .

  11. BOT作为国际上一种特定的项目融资方式,在发达国家和发展中国家都有过成功的实践。

    As a special financing way , BOT has been successfully practiced in many developed and developing countries .

  12. 我国公共体育场馆采用BOT项目融资方式的探讨

    A Probe into the Adoption of BOT Project Financing Modes in Public Stadium and Gymnasium in our Country

  13. 通过本文的研究总结了国内电力企业PPP融资方式应用。

    The research in this paper summarizes the domestic electric power enterprise PPP financing ways applications .

  14. 第一部分介绍了企业的各种融资方式和融资结构理论的发展,回顾了以MM理论为基础的融资结构理论体系。

    In the first part , it introduces different financing methods and reviews the development of capital structure theory , which was based on MM theory .

  15. 采用BOT投融资方式,会对我国目前基础设施建设起到积极作用。

    The mode of the BOT investment and financing will play a positive role in our current construction of infrastructure .

  16. 本文试图从宏观管理者的角度,探讨如何把BOT这种融资方式运用到西部开发和建设中。

    This article explains how to successfully complete a BOT program in the construction of infrastructure as a macro manager .

  17. ABS融资方式虽然起步晚,但广泛应用于各国基础设施建设的一种融资方式。

    Although the financing method of ABS starts late , it is a widely used financing method in infrastructure construction of various countries .

  18. 房地产企业融资方式很多,BT模式项目融资有其特有的运作模式和优势。

    The real estate company has many ways of financing . Project financing of BT mode has its unique mode of operation and advantages .

  19. 作为公共基础设施建设的重要融资方式之一,BOT方式获得成功运用的关键之处在于该种融资模式具有复杂而完善的信用结构,信用的创建、加强和维持是BOT项目方式一切法律特征的出发点。

    As an important financing method for the public infrastructure , the feasible and successful adoption of BOT relies heavily upon the sophisticated and near-perfect credit structure .

  20. 实践中,其可以单独采取资产证券化的融资方式,也可以与其他融资方式尤其与BOT方式配合使用,融资或循环融资效果更佳。

    In practice , it may adopt the financing of property negotiable securities alone or combination with others especially with the BOT way , the latter manner can produce a good result .

  21. BOT是现代经营管理的新模式,是政府为了吸收资本进行基础设施投资而采用的投资融资方式。

    BOT is a new model used in modern management and it is a kind of investing and financing model widely used by governments at all levels in the construction of infrastructure .

  22. 北京地铁奥运支线工程是我国在轨道交通设施建设领域首次采用建设-转让(Build-Transfer,BT)融资方式实施的项目。

    Beijing Subway Olympic Branch Line is the first project utilizing BT ( Build-Transfer ) mode financing for the rail transit construction in China .

  23. 本论文针对辽宁省基础设施建设现状,提出了适合于我省实际的两种项目融资方式&BOT、TOT。

    Thesis this to Liaoning Province infrastructure construction current situation , put forward suitable for our province real two project financing way & BOT , TOT .

  24. 陕西省公路建设项目采用TOT-BOT项目融资方式的风险研究

    The Risk Research on Shaanxi Road Construction Project Adopted the Model of Project Financing TOT-BOT

  25. BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)模式,就是在此背景下所兴起的一直以私人投资者为主导的、用于公共基础设施及公用事业项目建设的融资方式。

    BOT mode , rised on the certain background , is a financing method applying in the construction of public infrastructure projects and public utilities mainly led by private investors .

  26. 通过引入层次分析模型,对传统的吸收政府投资和BOT融资方式进行了分析,进而得出建设污水处理厂应选择的最佳融资模式。

    Through introducing the AHP Modal , this paper analyzes on traditional mode of absorbing the government 's investment and BOT financing mode , and obtains the optimum financing mode that should be adopted in the construction of sewage disposal plant .

  27. 作为一种项目投融资方式和建设方式,BT模式被世界上的各个国家广泛关注,并在各个国家的基础设施建设领域当中开始发挥作用,推进了当地社会、经济的发展。

    As a good method of project investing 、 financing and construction , BT mode is widespread concern in various countries in the world , played an important role in the field of infrastructure construction and increased the local social and economic development .

  28. 为了发挥BOT这种新型投融资方式的积极作用,我们有必要对BOT方式进行研究,将其引入到我国基础设施领域,转化为切实的经济效益与社会效益。

    In order to play the positive role of BOT way , it is necessary for us to carry out the research to BOT , to apply the investing way to the infrastructure field , turning it into the practical economic benefits and social benefits .

  29. TOT作为一种新兴的项目融资方式,具有融通资金、盘活国有存量资产、有选择加快基础设施民营化、提高基础设施运营效率等特点,必将在我国政府基础设施领域改革中发挥重要作用。

    TOT , as a new approach and methodology of project financing with characteristics in terms of funds lobby , renewed state-owned property , promotion of infrastructure privatization etc , must play an important role of infrastructure acceleration .

  30. 因此,人们不断在寻找减轻财政和债务负担的新型融资方式,而BOT融资方式由于自身所具有的特点,逐渐成为各国吸引民间资金发展基础设施的重要方式。

    Base on the above , people are trying to find new financial methods which can reduce financial and debt burdens , BOT gradually becomes one of the most important financial methods for attracting private funds for the development of infrastructure worldwide owing to its specific characteristics and advantages .