
  • 网络Financing transactions;margin purchase
  1. 现阶段,我国融资交易在融资融券交易中占主导地位,由于种种限制,融券交易发展缓慢。

    At this stage , our margin purchase dominated in margin purchase , short sale due to various restrictions , its development is slow .

  2. 进一步通过格兰杰因果关系检验得出,融资交易是股市波动的格兰杰原因,而股市波动不是融资交易的格兰杰原因。

    Further through the Granger testing , margin purchase is the Granger cause of volatility in the stock market , while volatility in the stock market is not the Granger cause of margin purchase .

  3. 2008年年中,CLO的发行量和其他结构性融资交易一样出现枯竭。

    Issuance of clos dried up in mid-2008 along with other structured finance deals .

  4. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)估计,此类贷款相当于符合融资交易条件的股票的自由流通股总市值的12%,国内生产总值(GDP)的3.5%。

    Goldman Sachs estimates such lending equals 12 per cent of the free-float market capitalisation of margin-eligible stocks , and 3.5 per cent of gross domestic product .

  5. 知情人士表示,科威特投资局(kuwaitinvestmentauthority)预计将成为美林再融资交易中的主要投资者,该交易最早可能会在本周宣布。

    The Kuwait Investment Authority is expected to be a major investor in the new deal , which could be announced as soon as midweek , according to people familiar with the matter .

  6. 得益于股市创纪录的涨势以及IPO和其他融资交易的激增,一些市场领域在2013年强劲收官。

    But in some areas , the year is ending on a strong note , thanks to a record rally in the stock market and a flurry of IPOs and other fundraising deals .

  7. 去年10月,该公司在一笔融资交易中,从风险资本公司安德森-霍洛维茨(AndreessenHorowitz)融到了2700万美元,据说当时Pinterest的估价已达2亿美元。

    The company in October raised $ 27 million from venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz in a deal that valued pinterest at a reported $ 200 million .

  8. 亚洲开发银行(ADB)在一笔关键的菲律宾水务融资交易中输给了中国。这家区域性银行本想借此笔交易,展示一种灵活的新型借贷安排。

    The Asian Development Bank has lost to China a key water financing deal in the Philippines that the regional lender had hoped would be a showcase for a new flexible lending facility .

  9. 麦格理(Macquarie)表示,今年早些时候,融资交易占市场整体市值的比例达到了创纪录的高点,远高于历史上其他所有市场中的这一比例。

    Margin trading as a percentage of overall market capitalisation reached a record earlier this year , says Macquarie & far higher than anything in any other market at any point in history .

  10. 第三季度最后一宗超过1亿美元的融资交易归属于公寓租赁平台Airbnb公司,这是一家为旅行者提供与当地人同吃同住服务的全球性网站。

    The only other $ 100 million-plus investment of the quarter was claimed by Airbnb , which offers travelers a global network of accommodations offered by locals .

  11. 巨额库存的存在之所以没有导致价格暴跌,原因在于它们大多锁定在德意志和高盛(GoldmanSachs)等银行或嘉能可(Glencore)等交易商所持有的长期融资交易中,因而无法入市。

    The existence of huge stockpiles has not led to a price crash because they are mostly locked up in long-term financing deals held by banks such as Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs or traders such as Glencore , keeping them off the market .

  12. 熟悉这些交易的投资银行家表示,过去两年里,进行了至多100笔pre-ipo融资交易,其中仅有三分之一的公司成功上市。

    Investment bankers familiar with the deals say that up to 100 pre-IPO financings were arranged over the past two years , and that only about a third of the companies achieved a stock market listing .

  13. 中国同意向巴基斯坦提供65亿美元贷款以便在其南部港口城市卡拉奇(Karachi)建造两座核电站,这是中国迄今为巴基斯坦单一项目提供的最大融资交易。

    China has agreed to provide Pakistan with a $ 6.5bn loan to construct twin nuclear power stations in the southern port city of Karachi , the largest ever Chinese financing deal for a single project in the country .

  14. 自融资交易策略、复制资产组合和风险管理

    Self Financing Transaction Strategies , Duplicated Assets Portfolio and Risk Management

  15. 融资交易的前提是资产价格将永远上涨。

    The premise of margin trades is that asset prices will rise perpetually .

  16. 在中国国内,以铜和其他金属做抵押的融资交易已经枯竭。

    New financing deals for copper and other metals in China have dried up .

  17. 本周中国多家券商还宣布收紧融资交易保证金要求。

    A number of mainland brokers have also announced a tightening of margin requirements this week .

  18. 资产证券化是复杂的融资交易流程,涉及多方参与主体,体现多个法律关系的复合。

    It is a complicated financing transaction procedure involving multiple participants and embodying combination of many legal relationships .

  19. 融资交易也处于欠发达状态,只有285只股票获准进行融资交易。

    Margin financing also remains under-developed , with just 285 stocks are allowed to be traded on margin .

  20. 私人融资交易的问题在于,顾名思义,其披露标准会远远低于公开市场。

    The problem with private deals is that disclosure standards are by definition far lower than in public markets .

  21. 澳大利亚国民银行表示,此次入股将有助于该银行利用其在结构性地产融资交易和基金分销方面的专长。

    NAB said the purchase would help it leverage its capabilities in structured property financing transactions and funds distribution .

  22. 融资交易的大量使用可能导致追缴保证金和强制平仓的恶性循环。

    The heavy use of margin finance could lead to a downward spiral of margin calls and forced selling .

  23. 2009年2月,这宗融资交易被框定为两家企业之间广泛的战略伙伴关系。

    In February 2009 , the fundraising deal was framed as a broad-ranging strategic partnership between the two companies .

  24. 多数大型制片厂都缔结了融资交易,汇集第三方资金,投资于数部影片。

    Most of the big studios have struck financing deals where third-party money is pooled and invested in several films .

  25. 例如,穆迪去年44%的收入来自结构融资交易。

    Moody 's , for example , made 44 per cent of its revenue last year from structured finance deals .

  26. 开始支持私人融资交易的新投资者越多,发生无度和不透明的滥用行为的几率就越大。

    And the more new investors start backing private financing deals , the greater the chance of excess and murky abuse .

  27. 自亚太股市在3月份反弹复苏以来,这是该地区最大的几笔融资交易之一。

    The capital raisings are among the largest in Asia - Pacific since regional stock markets bounced back to life in March .

  28. 基金经理和分析师们一致认为,青岛的调查在短期内将对大宗商品融资交易产生影响。

    Fund managers and analysts agree that the Qingdao investigation will have an effect on commodity financing deals in the short term .

  29. 由于相当大一部分股票买卖属于融资交易(即用借来的钱炒股),股市下挫制造了流动性紧张。

    Since much of the stock trading was done on margin , or with borrowed money , that has created a liquidity squeeze .

  30. 这笔融资交易表明,机构投资者再次对娱乐业产生了兴趣金融危机期间,投资者一直对该行业敬而远之。

    The financing signals the return of institutional interest in the entertainment industry after investors gave the sector a wide berth during the financial crisis .