
  1. 原回购登记账户并有融资回购未到期的,到期时如何转新回购由各会员与结算公司具体协商解决。

    For former accounts which have repurchase registrations and for which repurchase through financing doesn 't meet the expiry date , how to transfer to updated repurchase is specifically settled through consultation between members and clearing companies when it meets the expiry date .

  2. 因此,应借鉴银行间市场经验,以账户清算制取代席位联合制,并继续完善融资回购质押比例制度,提高国债市场透明度。

    Therefore , we should use for reference the experience of the inter-bank market , substitute the account settlement system for the seat coalition system , continuously improve the repurchase pledge proportion system in finance , and enhance the transparency of the market .

  3. 乙方质押券不足以担保其未到期融资回购购回义务和已到期融资回购未购回义务的履行,甲方有权按照相关业务规则进行处理。

    Provided that the pledged coupons of Party B are insufficient in guaranteeing the implementation performance of the buyback obligations of unmatured repurchase and the non-buyback obligations of matured financial repurchase , Party A shall be entitled to handle in accordance with related business rules .

  4. 即回购价款主要由工程建设费用、建设期融资费用和回购期投资收益三部分构成。

    Repurchase price mainly by construction costs , construction period financing costs and repurchase of investment income of three parts .