
  1. 然后介绍套利的基本原理和方法及融资融券业务,阐述中小投资者如何利用ETF实现股指期货正向套利与反向套利,并制定一套简单可行的套利策略。

    Then describes the basic principles and methods of arbitrage and margin trading business , explain how to use the ETF to achieve small investors stock index futures arbitrage and reverse arbitrage forward and develop a simple and feasible arbitrage strategies .

  2. 再次,通过对XB证券公司融资融券业务风险管理进行研究,从风险控制体系、具体业务风险及防范措施、风险评估等方面,进行了详细的研究分析。

    Again , the paper makes detailed research and analysis from the risk control system , business risks and preventive measures , the empirical analysis etc , through empirical study of risk on the securities margin trading of XB Securities Company .

  3. 融资融券业务是成熟的金融市场广泛应用的金融制度。

    Securities margin trading is widely used in developed financial markets .

  4. 融资融券业务带给我国证券公司的机遇、风险及应对措施

    Financing business 's opportunity to China security company and risk and countermeasure measure

  5. 融资融券业务基于它的特殊属性可归为高风险业务。

    Securities margin trading belongs to high risk business because of its particularity .

  6. 融资融券业务的信用交易模式比较研究与启示

    Comparison Research and Enlightenment on Securitie Borrowing and Lending Business of Credit Pattern

  7. 我国证券公司开展融资融券业务的风险控制

    China security company having financing business 's risk control

  8. 那么中国融资融券业务中的融资业务现在的运行状况如何?我们应该从哪些方面去完善中国现有的融资制度。

    So our margin financing business is now in the business of running status ?

  9. 2010年,中国正式启动了券商的融资融券业务试点。

    China officially launched margin trading by securities brokerages as a pilot project in 2010 .

  10. 证券公司融资融券业务债权担保的法律分析

    The Legal Analysing of Security Company s Margin Trading Based on Obligation Pledge ; debt financing

  11. 本文的整体方案充分考虑了融资融券业务的这一特征,使方案开展更符合业务特征。

    The overall program is fully taking into account these features of the margin trading business .

  12. 第五章考察融资融券业务对试点证券公司的影响。

    The fifth chapter works on the influences that the margin trading has on pilot security companies .

  13. 与此同时,中国还启动了融资融券业务试点项目,这些业务同样也受到了严格的管控。

    Meanwhile , pilot programmes have begun in margin trading and short-selling , again under strict controls .

  14. 商业抵押作担保的证券论我国证券融资融券业务的法律制度

    Commercial Mortgage Backed Security ( CMBS ) On Legal Institutions of Securities Margin Trading Business in China

  15. 我国的融资融券业务和股指期货刚开始不久,国内相关方面的研究不多。

    But our margin trading and stock index futures started shortly , and the relevant aspects of the domestic limited .

  16. 融资融券业务是即将在中国证券市场推出的一项创新业务。

    Margin trading is a business innovation in Chinese security market , which will be launched in the near future .

  17. 这些特征决定了融资融券业务在方案设计方面不能简单遵循以往传统经纪业务模式。

    These properties determine the margin trading business in program design can not simply follow the traditional brokerage business model .

  18. 第三部分主要就不同市场参与者在融资融券业务中可能隐含的风险进行分析,并提出一些政策建议。

    The third part mainly analyzed the business risk margin lending will bring to market participants , and made some policy recommendations .

  19. 中国3年前推出证券公司融资融券业务试点,但可供借出的股票太少,限制了此类交易的发展。

    China launched a short-selling trial three years ago , but limited availability of stocks for borrowing has stunted development of such trading .

  20. 融资融券业务的决策和主要管理职责应当由证券公司总部承担。

    The decision-making and main management functions in connection with the margin trading shall be borne by the head office of the securities company .

  21. 文章采用定性分析和比较分析的方法对证券公司融资融券业务的相关问题加以研究。

    In this thesis , the author adopt qualitative analysis and comparative analysis to study the related issues of margin purchase and short sale .

  22. 中国这次股灾始于6月中旬,此前中国政府曾试图限制融资融券业务——即借钱炒股业务。

    China 's stock market rout began in mid-June following a clampdown on margin finance - the use of borrowed money to buy shares .

  23. 18个月前,中国曾宣布推出融资融券业务试点,但从未真正实施过。

    China had previously announced the launch of short-selling and margin trading on a trial basis 18 months ago , but that trial never started .

  24. 融资融券业务是国外发达证券市场一种成熟的交易制度,包括了融资和融券两个部分。

    Margin purchases and short sales is a mature system widely adopted by overseas securities markets , including two parts of margin trading and short selling .

  25. 但随着融资融券业务规模的不断扩大,开户数量的不断增多,公司面临着越来越大的客户信用风险。

    But with the growing size of the margin trading business , and increasing the number of accounts , it is also facing increasing customer credit risk .

  26. 然而,虽然这种官方批准的融资融券业务监管严格而且相对透明,但对于中国杠杆化的股市投资来说,它们其实只是冰山的一角。

    Yet this officially sanctioned margin lending , which is tightly regulated and relatively transparent , is only the tip of the iceberg for Chinese leveraged stock investing .

  27. 日本采用集中授信模式,在办理融资融券业务上,证券公司与银行被证券金融公司隔离开。

    Concentration of credit models used in Japan , in the process of margin trading business , securities companies and banks have been isolated from securities finance companies .

  28. 另外,融资融券业务也给试点证券公司的自营业务产生了深刻影响,还会加剧证券行业竞争,造成行业分化。

    Moreover , margin trading business can also lead to profound effect to self-service business of those security companies involved in the pilot and increase competition between security companies and cause industry division .

  29. 目前,参与试点的证券公司已有三批,共有25家证券公司,2200多家证券营业部获得了融资融券业务资格,投资者参与融资融券交易的积极性也在不断提高。

    So far , there have been 3 batches of security companies involved in the pilot . Over 2200 security sales departments and 25 security companies have been qualified to do margin trading business .

  30. 国内股指期货上市,融资融券业务、国债期货的推出以及期权的筹备,使得量化投资策略的实现有了一定的基础。

    In recent years , Chinese government implements the stock index futures , security margin trading and emulation trading of treasury bonds futures as well as options , which lay a solid foundation for quantitative investment .