
  • 网络preemption;buy
先买 [xiān mǎi]
  • [preemption] 先于他人购买的行为或权利

  1. 法定房屋承租人先买权对第三人效力之分析

    On the Effect Against a Third Person of the Law-authorizing Right of Preemption of the Lessee

  2. 论先买权若干问题

    Some Problems on Preemption

  3. 票先来先买,售完为止。

    Tickets are available on a first come , first served basis .

  4. 他们知道,先买健康食品的顾客会感到高兴,这样他们在旅行中会买更多的垃圾食品。

    They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food later in their trip .

  5. 和过去一样,门票并非是由数个保管单位(如FIFA的成员组织)先买下的,而是直接进入公开售票环节。

    As in the past , tickets that are not be bought by various stakeholders such as FIFA member associations will subsequently be put on sale to the general public .

  6. 微软手里有500亿美元的闲置资金,它可以先买下Netflix,如果愿意,它仍然有足够的资金再去收购诺基亚(Nokia)。

    Microsoft has $ 50 billion in cash lying around , so it could buy Netflix and still have plenty enough left to buy Nokia ( NOK ) if it wanted .

  7. 尽管AppleWatch真品要到下月才开始销售,但中国各地已出现了假冒的AppleWatch,或者说外形与苹果(Apple)最新产品类似、价格便宜得令人生疑的手表,让消费者先买为快。

    Fake Apple Watches - or timepieces that appear similar to the new devices and are suspiciously affordable - have gone on sale across China as consumers jump the gun before the genuine items are available next month , writes Charles Clover in Beijing .

  8. 拍照前,别忘了先买底片。

    Don 't forget to buy films before you take photos .

  9. 让我们先买点肉,然后买蔬菜。

    Let 's buy some meat first and buy vegetables afterwards .

  10. 如果你想在职场上晋升,先买一把梳子吧。

    If you want to get ahead , get a hairbrush .

  11. 不,我得先买一个新硬盘。

    No.I have to buy a new hard disk first .

  12. 选购食物时先买蔬菜和水果。

    Start with fruits and vegetables when you do your grocery shopping .

  13. 你最好先买该公司的股票。

    You would be well advised to buy shares of this company .

  14. 他们只是不得不先买份航空保险。

    They just had to buy some flight insurance first .

  15. 我本可以用那300美元先买点衣服的。

    I could use the $ 300 . Clothing for one thing .

  16. 我需要先买饭票吗?

    Do I need to buy meal tickets first ?

  17. 所以,这次我必须先买我喜欢的东西。

    Therefore , this time I must buy things that I like first .

  18. 出去旅游前,我们先买了一本旅游手册。

    We bought a tourist handbook before going travelling .

  19. 我肯定是先买配饰。

    I want to do accessories first , obviously .

  20. 要他先买,他不肯,他静静地排队等候(轮到他买)。

    He refused first place in line , and waited his turn quietly .

  21. 不能让我先买吗?

    Can 't you just let me buy first ?

  22. 当然你得先买一架照相机。

    Of course we must buy a camera first .

  23. 我计划先买套房,再买车。

    I plan to buy a house first , then a car later .

  24. 他们可能会借给我们点儿钱,让我们先买几件内衣裤。

    They might advance us cash to buy a few pieces of underwear .

  25. 为什么要先买好健康保险呢?

    Why buy health insurance in the first place ?

  26. 请问我该先买哪个品种。

    Please advise me which item I should buy .

  27. 法律一般不规定先买权行使的条件,理论上对于何为同等条件也众说不一。

    There are many different kinds of sporadic laws to regulate the preemptive right .

  28. 你可以先买一个试试,看看喜不喜欢。

    You can buy a beginner bag and see if you like it first .

  29. 那你为什么不自己先买下?

    Why not just buy the house yourself ?

  30. 你最好先买张床垫。

    You 'd better get a mattress first .