
xiān lìng
  • shilling;bob
先令 [xiān lìng]
  • [shilling] 英国货币单位,等于12便士或1/20英镑

先令[xiān lìng]
  1. 协会的工作人员在网上到处搜寻1先令的货币。

    The workers of the association searched on the Internet to find a shilling .

  2. 先令是20世纪70年代早期以前英国使用的货币单位。

    A shilling was a unit of money that was used in Great Britain before the early 1970s .

  3. 英镑对奥地利先令的比价已经下跌了10%。

    The pound had sunk 10 per cent against the Schilling .

  4. 我身上只有10先令。

    I 've only got ten bob on me .

  5. 我最后的一张支票在我的账上已经透支了几先令。

    My last cheque overdrew my account by a few shillings .

  6. 我愿为它赌五先令。

    I will venture five shillings on it .

  7. 从前,花一先令就可以买到一品脱啤酒。

    In the old days you could get a pint of beer for a shilling .

  8. 他们找到1先令后将其送给了温克勒作为回馈。

    They found one and sent it to Winkler as a reward .

  9. 卡片背面写着这样一条信息:英国海洋生物学会将为这个瓶子支付一先令。

    On the back of the card there was this message : The Marine Biological Association would pay a shilling for the bottle .

  10. 我想人们一定愿意花一先令来看它这样子。

    I bet people will pay a shilling to see this .

  11. 他总共报销了100镑16先令0便士,并解释道:“上述物品中只有7件我能够给出确切价格,剩余物品则根据军人消费合作社(armyandnavystores)的商品目录进行了估价。”

    He claimed 100 16S 0d , and explained : " I have been able to give the exact cost price in only seven of the items listed , and have estimated the rest on the basis of the army and Navy stores catalogue . "

  12. 把你的戒指卖上一先令?

    Your ring ? 'Said the Piggy , 'I will . '

  13. 为了这次让人兴奋的航行,他花去了他所有的先令。

    For this exciting sail , he spent all his shillings .

  14. “他一星期给的15先令够我们买什么的?

    What can we buy with his fifteen shillings a week ?

  15. 一个苏格兰镑相当于一个英格兰先令。

    A Scottish pound was the same as an English shilling .

  16. 英格兰生了莎士比亚;大英国则生了六先令(一部的)小说。

    England produced Shakespeare ; the British Empire the six-shilling novel .

  17. 或者别人掉的5先令。

    Or a5-schill ing piece someone else might have lost .

  18. 金镑、先令、便士为英国钱币的单位名称。

    Pounds , shillings , and pence are denominations of English money .

  19. 我的钱包里只有一先令十二便士了。

    There are only one shilling and two sixpences in my purse .

  20. 利用八月间的银行休假日,来回只消花上两先令六便士。

    August bank holiday , only two and six return .

  21. 等等!我有一先令。

    Wait a minute ! I 've got a shilling .

  22. 一先令的生命会给你全部的事实。

    A shilling life will give you all the fact .

  23. 你给我3个2先令6便士的银币换这张10先令的钞票。

    You can give me three half crowns for this ten-shilling note .

  24. 这儿有一位慷慨豪爽人物,居然看不起收集先令来了!

    Here 's a generous spirit to scorn scraped-up shillings !

  25. 我每星期发给每个男孩一个先令。

    I allow a shilling a week to each of the boys .

  26. 他把这一先令放到了战士的手里。

    He put the shilling into the soldier 's hand .

  27. 证券交易所公布的这些股票的价格是13先令。

    The shares are quoted on Stock Exchange at 13s .

  28. 当我给这个乞丐一个先令时,他喜出望外。

    When I gave the beggar a shilling his face lit up .

  29. 我年轻的时候,两先令就能买一包。

    When I was young you could buy a packet for2 shillings .

  30. 付给工人的费用算下来每小时差不多十先令。

    The charge for labor works out at almost ten shillings an hour .