
  • 网络inborn error of metabolism
  1. 大多数DIP病例与吸烟有关,但少数为特发性或伴有先天性代谢缺陷。

    Most cases of DIP are related to cigarette smoking , but a few are idiopathic or associated with rare inborn errors of metabolism .

  2. 人们了解到在人类中存在大量的先天性代谢缺陷。

    A large number of inborn errors of metabolism are known in man .

  3. 确诊或疑诊为先天性代谢缺陷患儿的肾脏替代疗法

    Renal replacement therapy in the treatment of con-firmed or suspected inborn errors of metabolism

  4. 血液细胞化学用于先天性代谢缺陷患者及携带者的检出与诊断的研究

    A study on the test and diagnosis of inborn error of metabolism by haematological cytochemistry