
  • 网络Low intelligence;mental subnormality
  1. 缺血缺氧性脑损伤(Hypoxic-ischemicBrainDamage,HIBD)是威胁新生儿生命的严重疾病,具有很高的死亡率,是引起智能低下和脑性瘫痪的主要原因之一。

    Objective : Hypoxic-ischemic brain damage ( HIBD ) continues to be a major problem in perinatal medicine because of the high mortality rate and neurological and intellectual impairment in the surviving infants .

  2. 南昌地区出生缺陷智能低下与弓形虫感染

    Birth Defects , Mental Retardation and Toxoplasma Infection in Nanchang District

  3. 地方性不明原因智能低下患儿脑电信号功率谱阵图分析

    The EEGs power spectrum array analysis of mental retardation on endemic etiology unknown

  4. 智能低下儿童康复效果的临床观察

    Effect of Rehabilitation Treatment on Children with mental retardation

  5. 33%的患者有智能低下。

    33 % of patients were poor intelligence .

  6. 通过70例分析,结果表明,小儿散发性脑炎如果发生脑功能障碍,可留有后遗症或智能低下。

    This analysis showed if brain-dysfunction caused by sporadic encephalitis occurred in children sequela or hypophrenia fended to appear .

  7. 1908年,专门为智能低下以及癫邪症患者所开设的东宾夕法尼亚州立机构在滨州东文森特成立。

    The Eastern Pennsylvania State Institution for the Feeble-Minded and Epileptic opened in 1908 in East Vincent , Pennsylvania .

  8. 主要临床表现有惊厥、意识障碍、运动发育落后、发育倒退、智能低下、喂养困难、呕吐;

    The common clinical manifestations were seizure , development retardation or retrogression , disturbance of consciousness , mental retardation , feed difficulty and vomiting .

  9. 34.54%倒位携带者有异常表型,主要为性分化异常、智能低下、多发畸形。

    34.54 % carriers of chromosomal inversion have abnormal phenotype , mainly consisting of the abnormalities of sex difference , mental retardation and multiple congenital malformation .

  10. 结论:染色体异常是自然流产、死胎及儿童智能低下的重要原因,应引起临床医学工作者的高度重视。

    Conclusion : Chromosome anomalies are the major causes of natural abortion , stillborn fetus and imbecile as well , which should be more attention by medical workers .

  11. 结果患者主要表现为反复发热,逐渐进展的智能低下、抽搐发作、头痛、视力下降、听力下降、肢体无力等,其中发热为8例患者的共同临床表现;

    Results The main manifestations of 8 cases were repeated fever , progressive mental impairment , seizures , headache , descent of eyesight and hearing , weakness of extremities .

  12. 因早产儿脑损伤而导致的智能低下和脑性瘫痪的治疗费用昂贵,且不能治愈,将给社会和家庭造成沉重负担。

    Due to premature infants and cause brain damage and cerebral palsy smart Lower treatment is very expensive and can not be cured , will give social and family create a heavy burden .

  13. 21三体型患儿出生时父亲的平均年龄为36.6岁,母亲的平均年龄为33.5岁。全部患儿智能低下,呈典型的先天愚型面容和体征。

    The average age of the fathers of the patients with 21 trisomy was 36.5 years and that of the mothers was 33.5 . All the children were mentally retarded and characterized by the typical features and signs of Down syndrome .

  14. 结论对高危新生儿施行早期环境干预和综合康复功能训练,可降低脑瘫及智能低下的发生率,对提高患儿存活质量和整体人口素质有重要意义。

    Conclusion : Early environmental intervention and comprehensive rehabilitation training can effectively decrease the incidence of cerebral palsy and intelligence development retardation , and it is of great significance to improve the quality of life of high risk infants and even the quality of population .

  15. 我兄弟在车祸中受到脑部损伤后,变得智能十分低下。

    My brother became rather simple-minded after he suffered brain damage in a car accident .

  16. 随着时间的推移,以前与某种近地告警计算机配套的测试系统在实际的使用中暴露出许多问题,如:检测功能不完善、测试的智能化低下、可靠性差等。

    Along with the time , the old GPWC testing system has exposured many problems during actual usage , for example the function is not perfect , the level of intelligence is lowly and the credibility is not perfect .

  17. 阐述了智能照明控制系统的设计现状,给出了目前智能照明控制系统智能化程度低下、操作僵硬,并且节能效率不高的特点。

    Current status of design in intelligent illumination control system was described , and the disadvantages of low intelligence , ossified manipulation and low efficiency of energy saving were brought up .

  18. 在智能诊断系统中,专家的知识非常重要但难以获取,这导致系统的智能低下。

    In the intelligence diagnosis system , knowledge of experts is very important but hard to get this induces their low capacity .