
  • 网络IQ test;Intelligence Test
  1. 基于上面那则智力测试的解题逻辑:“x+y=(x-y)(x+y)”,并利用下面这些算术模式,算一算“?+?=123”。

    Based on the intelligence test rule : x + y = ( x - y ) ( x + y ) and using the pattern below to help you , work out how ? + ? = 123

  2. 方法对62例HIE中存活的57例患儿进行体格检查及智力测试,对异常者行CT、EEG检查,评价其临床后遗症与新生儿期EEG的关系。

    Methods Sixty two infants with HIE was studied by doing physical examination , intelligence test , CT and EEG . Their clinical outcome was compared to their EEG in the first month after birth .

  3. 让我们好好利用这些智力测试题吧

    Let 's use these intelligence tests judiciously .

  4. 想要进入门萨俱乐部,申请者必须接受正规的智力测试并答对至少98%的题目。阿斯瓦尔说:“门萨俱乐部测试了她的接受性记忆力、认知技能和逻辑推理能力。”

    To qualify for Mensa membership , applicants skills and logical reasoning , " Athwal said .

  5. (NETEM1990,Translation,第67,68题)在美国,黑人在标准化智力测试中的成绩常常低于白人。

    In the United States , blacks often score below whites on standardized intelligence tests .

  6. 相关性较低。结论对脑外伤鉴定病人行智力测试和P300检查都必不可少;

    Results The correlation coefficient between intellectual test and P300 was0.277 , and the correlation was low .

  7. 如果说查尔斯达尔文(charlesdarwin)是现代生物学之父,那么现代智力测试之父就是他的外甥弗朗西斯高尔顿(francisgalton)统计学家、博学家和优生学的奠基人。

    If Charles Darwin is the father of modern biology , then the father of modern intelligence testing is his cousin , Francis Galton statistician , polymath and founder of eugenics .

  8. 方法77例脑震荡患者在发病后30d左右(恢复期)接受了中国成人韦氏智力测试量表(WAIS-RC)评估,并与48例正常人(对照组)测试结果比较。

    Method All the 77 patients with cerebral concussion were received Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised China ( WAIS-RC ), and were compared with 48 healthy adults .

  9. 方法:58例轻度脑损伤患者在出院前1周分别接受了中国成人韦氏智力测试量表(WAIS-RC)评估,并与正常人常模数据进行比较。

    METHODS : Evaluation of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised in China ( WAIS-RC ) was conducted in 58 patients with mild craniocerebral injury 1 week before discharge and in normal controls for a data comparison .

  10. 这里是VOA特别英语健康报道。上世纪50年代初期,研究人员发现,掌握超过一门语言的人在智力测试中得分较低。

    Are People Who Speak More Than One Language Smarter ? This is the VOA Special English Health Report . In the early nineteen fifties , researchers found that people scored lower on intelligence tests if they spoke more than one language .

  11. 41例多动症儿童智力测试结果分析

    Analysis of intelligence quotient of 41 children with attention-deficiency hyperactivity disorder

  12. 不同类型精神分裂症患者智力测试结果分析

    An Analysis of the WAIS-RC Results of Different Type Schizophrenic Patients

  13. 被测试(如智力测试)的人。

    Someone who is tested ( as by an intelligence test ) .

  14. 简易智力测试量表的效度及信度研究

    The validity and reliability of the abbreviated Mental Test Scale

  15. 他的研究证明了智力测试方法的缺陷。

    His research demonstrated the limitations of intelligence testing techniques .

  16. 在寻找天才的过程中,高尔顿没能开发出可行的智力测试方法。

    Searching for genius , Galton failed to develop a working intelligence test .

  17. 一个表现不如智力测试显示那样好的学生。

    A student who does not perform as well as the IQ indicates .

  18. 研究人员对两个小组进行了智力测试。

    Researchers used intelligence tests given to two groups .

  19. 厦门市儿童智力测试结果分析

    The Result Analysis of Child Intelligence Testing ( C WYCSI ) in Xiamen City

  20. 难治性精神病人立体定向手术治疗前后智力测试结果分析

    Analysis of intellectual results of patients with refractory psychosis before and after stereotactic neurosurgery

  21. 狗也是如此:狼在智力测试中的表现通常好于狗。

    The same dynamic holds for dogs : Wolves beat dogs in general intelligence tests .

  22. 当然,设想我的自我修护人给一个智力测试设置的设计问题。

    Well , then , suppose my auto-repair man devised questions for an intelligence test .

  23. 智力测试的结果显示,自十九世纪三十年代以来,分数平均每十年上升三个百分点。

    Scores on intelligence tests have risen an average three points a decade since the1930s .

  24. 小儿智力测试软件系统的设计

    A children intelligence test software system

  25. 通过纳博科夫的智力测试

    Passing Nabokov 's Intellectual Test

  26. 方法对723例学业不良儿童进行韦克斯勒智力测试。

    Methods The test of Wechsler intelligence of school children was conducted on 723 students with learning disability .

  27. 法国心理学家阿尔弗雷德·比奈于1905年发表了第一张标准化人类智力测试卷。

    A Frenchman , the psychologist Alfred Binet , published the first standardized test of human intelligence in 1905 .

  28. 批评智力测试不反映上述情况,犹如批评温度计不能测风速一样。

    To criticize it for such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity .

  29. 研究显示,出生顺序越靠后的孩子,在智力测试中得分普遍越低。

    the further down each child sat on the pecking order , the worse they generally scored in IQ tests .

  30. 弗林教授分析了美国过去65年的智力测试,研究了测试结果与年龄的相关性。

    Professor Flynn analysed US intelligence tests from the last 65 years and correlated the results with people 's ages .