
  • 网络Intellectual Property
  1. 推特已经从IBM购买了900项专利,推特表示,这笔交易将允许推特进行更完备的智慧财产保护,并使推特能使用这些专利。

    Tweeter says it 's buying out about 900 patents from IBM , the company contending the deal allowed Tweeter greater intellectual property protection and its ability to innervate .

  2. 台湾智慧财产局(tipo)副局长王美花对英国《金融时报》表示,国硕科技已申请终止强制授权,因为该公司计划在5月31日之前将其光盘制造业务转移到海外。

    Wang Mei-hua , Deputy Director-General of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office ( Tipo ) , told the FT that GigaStorage had applied to have the compulsory licence ended , since it planned to shift manufacturing of its CDs overseas as of May 31 .

  3. 有义务揭露或确认智慧财产吗?

    Is there an obligation to disclose or identify intellectual property ?

  4. 智慧财产及反托拉斯法之间,先天就有所冲突。

    A fundamental tension exists between intellectual property and antitrust law .

  5. 创造属于自己的智慧财产。

    The creation belongs to own wisdom property rights .

  6. 敝组织如何保留不提供许可的智慧财产?

    How does my organization reserve intellectual property which is not available for license ?

  7. 王美花并未表示智慧财产局是否会撤消该强制授权。

    Ms Wang did not say whether her office was preparing to revoke the compulsory licence .

  8. 法定货币财产是没有现实的财产客体的主观财产。结论是所谓的“权利质权”原本应当是货币和智慧财产抵押权。

    It concludes that the so-called objective of right mortgage should have been currency and intelligence in nature .

  9. 智慧财产法院或其分院应适用之类别及其变更,由司法院以命令定之。

    Judicial Yuan shall determine applicable categories of Intellectual Property Court , its sub-court , and their alteration .

  10. 欧盟植物品种权是类似专利的一种智慧财产形式。

    The Community Plant Variety Right ( CPVR ) is a form of intellectual property akin to a patent .

  11. 而且,由于智慧财产属于巴拿马的实验室,他们能够授权给制药公司,获得立即的营收。

    And because Panamanian labs developed the intellectual property , it is theirs to license to pharmaceutical companies for immediate profit .

  12. 试署法官或候补法官调智慧财产法院办事期间,计入其试署法官或候补法官年资。

    The period in which transferred intern judge or backup judge serves in Intellectual Property Court shall be included in his seniority .

  13. 工业资讯控制的领域〈通常是被指为「智慧财产」〉是许多讨论的立足点。

    The area of industrial information control , usually referred to as " intellectual property " was grounds for lots of discussion .

  14. 他相信,与法国加强智慧财产保护的互动,保护合法,杜绝非法,双方工业合作将更趋于具体而扎实。

    Chen predicted that taking steps to improve the protection of French-owned intellectual property would enhance business ties between the two countries .

  15. 司法院得视地理环境及案件多寡,增设智慧财产法院分院。

    Judicial Yuan is entitled to establish additional intellectual property sub-courts on the basis of physical environment and the number of cases .

  16. 换言之,倘企业使用了开放源码软体为软体开发之基础,其智慧财产授权契约之选择自由即可能受到限制。

    " Copyleft " mechanism would , however , be a significant restriction to licensees'freedom to choose the intellectual property license they prefer .

  17. 希冀能藉由本文之探讨,对台湾将来发展智慧财产证券化有些许帮助及帮助。

    Hope that can develop property securitization of intelligence to benefit and help to Taiwan in the future by the discussion of this text .

  18. 其他依法律规定或经司法院指定由智慧财产法院管辖之案件。

    Other cases that should be under the jurisdiction of Intellectual Property Court as prescribed by law or under the designation of Judicial Yuan .

  19. 智慧财产法院依法掌理关于智慧财产之民事诉讼、刑事诉讼及行政诉讼之审判事务。

    The job entries of Intellectual Property Court cover the hearing and decision of civil action , criminal action and administrative action involving intellectual property .

  20. 台湾地区智慧财产法院正式设立并开始运作两年来,提高了智慧财产案件审判的专业性及效率。

    Since the establishment and operation of Taiwan 's intellectual property court over the past two years , the professional efficiency of intellectual property trial has improved .

  21. 智慧财产法院审判案件,民事第一审诉讼程式及行政诉讼简易程式,以法官一人独任行之;

    When Intellectual Property Court tries cases , a single judge alone shall try the case in which litigation procedure and administrative litigation summary procedure are followed .

  22. 我国智慧财产局主动争取此次会议主办权,亦可反应我国积极参与国际社会之决心与努力。

    Taiwan 's IPO had actively sought the right to host this Meeting , which also reflected Taiwan 's determination and efforts to participate in the international arena .

  23. 这包含了公司智慧财产考量部分及影响公司与通路伙伴谈判的资讯。

    This includes information that the firm considers part of the firm 's intellectual property and information that may affect the firm 's negotiations with these channel partners .

  24. 中国自宋代以来已有对文学领域智慧财产的保护,但始终没有发展成为一种制度性的法律规范。

    China has had some instructions to protect copyright in literary area ever since Song Dynasty , but in the end China has not developed a legal regime to protect copyright .

  25. 育种家向欧盟植物品种局提出一笔申请,就可望得到一笔可用在欧盟境内的智慧财产。

    Based on a single application to the Community Plant variety Office , a breeder may be granted a single intellectual property right , which is operative throughout the European Community .

  26. 商标作为智慧财产之凝结,已逐渐成为企业商业信誉之表征和永续经营之形象,更是参与市场竞争的法律利器,其法律风险防范的重要性不可估量。

    As the condensation of intellectual property , trademark has gradually become the characterization of enterprise commercial credit and the image of business continuity , and all the more the legal weapon to participate the market competition . Thus , its importance on prevention against legal risks is immeasurable .