
  • 网络Industry-university cooperation;industry-university collaboration;Collaboration between industry and school
  1. 产学合作教学模式使畜牧兽医专业办学步入良性循环

    Teaching Model of Collaboration between Industry and School Makes Running of Department of Husbandry and Veterinary in a Beneficial Cycle

  2. 终身教育思想下的高等职业教育人才培养目标强调产学合作教育,这对于实现院校人才培养目标与规格要求,培养创新精神和实践能力的人才上独具优势。

    The talent development aim of higher vocational education under lifelong educational thought emphasizes collaboration between industry and school and that has a special advantage to realize the demand of college talent development aim and standard and to bring up talents with creative spirits and practical abilities .

  3. 官产学合作研究网络的研究&以MobileVCE为例

    Study on the cooperative research network between government , industry and academia : a case of Mobile VCE

  4. 产学合作中若干知识产权问题

    Some Problems Concerning Intellectual Property in Cooperation between University and Industry

  5. 产学合作教育是高职高专院校教育教学改革的必由之路。

    Production and education cooperation is necessary for universities and colleges .

  6. 通过产学合作提高毕业设计质量

    Improving the Quality of Design Dissertation by Integrating Learning and Production

  7. 产学合作教育与宝石学学科建设

    Education of learning combined with production and construction of gemmology discipline

  8. 浅谈健美操的功能产学合作教育培养民航创新人才的探索

    Functions of Enterprise and College Cooperation in Cultivation of Civil Aviation Talents

  9. 对高职教育产学合作问题的探讨

    On the Issues of Production-Study Cooperation in Higher Vocational Education

  10. 宁波高职产学合作绩效的实践与研究

    Practice and Achievement Research of Enterprise-university Cooperation in Ningbo Higher Vocational Colleges

  11. 以船为伴产学合作共建船舶类专业群的研究与实践

    On Construction of Ship-related Specialty Group through Cooperation of Production and Learning

  12. 在日本,这被称为产学合作。

    This is called " Industry-Education Cooperation " in Japan .

  13. 论在高等职业教育中如何实施产学合作育人

    On How to Conduct Production-Study Cooperation in Higher Vocational Education

  14. 实行产学合作开发专业教学计划

    Applying Combination of Industry and Teaching Developing Professional Teaching plans

  15. 产学合作培养高素质创新人才

    Cooperation of production & education to train high-quality innovative talents

  16. 推进产学合作培养应用性专门人才&本溪冶金高等专科学校旅游专业实践教学改革探索

    Pushing on Cooperation Production with Teaching and Training Applied Talent

  17. 从系统论的观点认识产学合作教育

    On the Cooperative Education Between Production and Study By the Systemic Theory

  18. 对高职产学合作的几点思考

    Consideration of Production and Learning Cooperation in Vocational High School

  19. 高职院校产学合作人才培养模式探究

    Personnel Training Model of Industry-University Cooperation in Higher Vocational Colleges

  20. 加强产学合作搞好专业建设

    Enhancement on Production and Academic Corporation and Specialty Construction

  21. 产学合作教育的内涵及模式研究

    On the Connotation and Pattern of Cooperative Education between Enterprises and Educational Institutions

  22. 产学合作的运作机制分析

    An Analysis on the Mechanism of the University-enterprise Cooperation

  23. 产学合作模型研究

    Study on the Cooperative Model of Enterprise and University

  24. 实行产学合作教育建立面向21世纪需要的工程专科教学模式

    Executing Teaching-Manufacturing-Combination Education and Establishing Engineering-College Teaching Models gearing to 21st Century Needs

  25. 产学合作教育使学生把实践与学习相结合。

    Cooperative education helps students integrate practice with learning .

  26. 论产学合作教育中兼职教师队伍的建设

    Studies on the Building of Part-time Teachers ' Ranks in the Cooperative Education

  27. 产学合作的冲突与整合策略

    On the conflict and merger tactics of the cooperation of producing and studying

  28. 论政府监管下的职业教育产学合作

    On " Producation and Teaching Cooperation " of Vocational Education under Government Monitoring

  29. 德国双元制与日本产学合作的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on German Dual System and Japanese Production and Education Cooperation

  30. 农科专业产学合作教育新模式探索

    An Inquiry into the New Educational Pattern of Industry-University Cooperation for Agricultural Science Speciality