
  • 网络orientation behavior;orientation behaviour;re-INVITE
  1. 百分率进一步增加,不仅抑制定向行为,同时也影响起飞行为。

    Further increment of percentage of alcohol in binary blend inhibited not only orientation behavior but also takeoff behavior .

  2. ⑵综合分析表明苘麻是利用棉铃虫的视觉定向行为进行诱集棉铃虫产卵的,棉铃虫在苘麻植株上产卵有利于孵化的幼虫取食。

    Comprehensive analysis shows that abutilon trap cotton bollworms oviposition by using visual orientation behavior of Helicoverpa armigera , cotton bollworm larvae are beneficial to feed on the Abutilon theophrasti plants oviposition .

  3. 碰撞电离产生AuL_3空穴态定向行为的研究

    A study on the behavior of the alignment for l_3 vacancy state in Au by impact ionisation

  4. 松毛虫赤眼蜂雄峰寄主栖息地定向行为的研究

    Studies on the HOST-HABITAT location behavior of male Trichogramma dendrolimi

  5. 假眼小绿叶蝉对茶树挥发物的定向行为反应

    Orientation Response of Empoasca vitis to Tea Shoots Volatiles

  6. 植食性害虫及其天敌的定向行为研究进展

    Advance in research on the orientation mechanism of herbivorous insects and natural enemies

  7. 其中的一个例子就是工具定向行为正确的自动操作了过程。

    An example is to validate that tool-directed behavior correctly automates the process .

  8. 昆虫迁飞过程中的定向行为

    Orientation behaviors of insects in migratory process

  9. 然而采用空间注意线索化范式,发现既有证据表明他们能对眼睛注视线索发出注意定向行为,也有相反的证据。

    However , adopting the paradigm of visuospatial cuing task , inconclusive results are found in terms of eye gaze oriented attention .

  10. 关于昆虫趋光性机制的假说较多,其中报道较多的是光干扰假说、光定向行为假说和生物天线假说3种,现在较为普遍接受的是前两者。

    Many hypotheses on phototaxis were proposed , but two of them , light interference and light orientation , were more acceptable .

  11. 用亚致死剂量溴氰菊酯处理亚洲玉米螟雄蛾后,存活雄蛾对信息素定向行为反应受到较大的影响。

    Topically applied sublethal doses of deltamethrin can significantly interrupt male Asian corn borer to perform the sequence of behavior response to pheromone .

  12. 对植食性昆虫寄主定向行为的了解,有助于发展对植食性昆虫的行为调控技术,提高害虫的综合防治水平。

    Understanding the behavioral orientation of phytophagous insects to their host plants can help to develop techniques for their behavior control so as to enhance the efficiency of integrated pest control .

  13. 以扶桑和油麦菜为寄主材料,通过非选择性和选择性实验,研究和评价光照、叶面物理性状和重力3个环境因子在烟粉虱成虫定向行为中的作用。

    In this case , with selection and non-selection experiments , we studied and evaluated the effect of light , physical features of leaves and gravitation as cues on the whitefly 's orientation behavior to locate underside of host leaves .

  14. 并采用过冷熔体枝晶生长(BCT)模型对不同过冷度下出现的定向生长行为进行了分析。

    The directional growth under different undercooling was analyzed on the foundation of free dendrite growth theories ( LKT / BCT ) .

  15. 镍基单晶高温合金DD2梯度定向凝固行为

    Solidification Behaviour of Ni-base single - Crystal Superalloy DD 2

  16. 关于归因定向与行为预测的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Attributional Orientations and the Prediction of Behavior

  17. 高温合金定向凝固行为的分形分析

    Fractal analysis of Directional Solidification Behaviour of Ni-base Superalloy

  18. 因此,信息不对称理论能很好的解释我国上市公司的定向增发行为。

    So the theory of information asymmetry can well explain the private placement phenomenon in China stock market .

  19. 三是,定向于行为规范的生态旅游概念。该观点强调旅游者和当地居民的行为规范和环境价值观。

    Third , the conduct-norms-oriented ecotourism , which emphasizes the norms of conduct and environmental values of the tourists and local residents .

  20. 毛细管电泳(capillaryelectrophoresis,CE)是指荷电粒子或离子依靠直流电场驱动力作用,在毛细管中以不同速度定向运动的行为。

    Capillary electrophoresis is refer to the charged particle or ion depends on the high voltage electric field drive , directional movement behavior at different speeds in the capillary .

  21. 镍基高温合金定向粗化行为的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Directional Coarsening in Ni-based Superalloy

  22. 成就目标理论研究者基本一致地认为不同目标定向导致不同行为动机。

    Achievement goal theory researchers agree that the different goal orientation cause different behavior motivation .

  23. 由此得出结论,信息不对称假说能够很好地解释我国大股东参与定向增发的行为。

    In conclusion , the information asymmetry hypothesis could well explain the behavior of large shareholder participating in the private placement in China .

  24. 分析了温度和外载对定向粗化行为的影响,给出了启动蠕变位错的临界外加载荷。

    The effects of the temperature and external loading on the directional coarsening behavior are considered . The critical external loading for start-up creep dislocations is obtained .

  25. 成就目标定向是成就行为的目的在认知、情感和行为等特征上的稳定趋向,它影响着大学生的成长与发展。

    Achievement goal orientation is the stable tendency of purpose of achievement behavior in one 's cognition , emotion and behavior , which influences growing and development of students in higher educational institutions .

  26. 与学业正常学生比较,在成绩接近目标定向和学习行为自我效能感均不存在学校差异,学习目标定向、成绩回避目标定向、学习能力自我效能感和心理控制源方面均有显著的学校差异。

    Compared with LA students , LD students had not school differences in performance-approach goals orientation and learning behavior self-efficacy ; and had significantly school differences in learning goal orientation , performance-avoid goals orientation , learning capability self-efficacy and locus of control .

  27. 不同情境下成就目标定向对寻求反馈行为的影响

    The Influence of Achievement Goal Orientation on Feedback-Seeking Behavior in Different Contexts

  28. 食物源也引诱昆虫定向迁移和识别行为。

    Food sources also elicit oriented locomotion and recognition behavior patterns in most insects .

  29. 本研究主要考察我国控股股东在定向增发中的行为。

    This is a study on controlling shareholders ' behavior in private placement in our capital market .

  30. 本文的研究表明,控股股东在参与定向增发中的行为选择,扣合了控股股东的自利动机。

    This study suggests that the behavior of controlling shareholders in the private placement conform to the self-beneficial motivation .