
dìnɡ qī jiǎn xiū
  • Regular maintenance;periodic maintenance
  1. 采用定期检修方式使很多设备存在过修或失修的问题,造成巨大的资源浪费和安全隐患。

    Periodic maintenance causes the problems of equipment maintenance too much or too little , huge waste of resources and the insecurity .

  2. 卷烟制造业作为我国的利税大户,现行的以设备定期检修为主的制度已不能满足可靠性和成本管理的需要,在制定合理的检修策略时缺乏必要的价值指标。

    Cigarette manufacturing industry as a big profit and tax of our country , the current periodic maintenance of equipment-based system can not meet the needs of reliability and cost management , maintenance strategy in the development of a reasonable value of the lack of the necessary indicators .

  3. 它和其他类型的设备一样,也需要定期检修。

    Like any other type of equipment it requires regular servicing .

  4. 目前,大部分对SDH传输网络设备的检修方式依然是传统的定期检修和故障后检修。

    At present , the majority way of SDH network equipment maintenance is still traditional preventive maintenance and repair after troubles .

  5. 同时,根据RCM的分析,确定机组采用定期检修方式(TBM),但如何确定最佳的检修周期是一个重要问题。

    At the same time , based on the analysis of RCM , the paper ensure the unit should adopt the Time based maintenance . But how to ascertain the cycle of maintenance is a important question .

  6. 为了在发电厂定期检修时修复和更换大型汽轮发电机定子铁芯零部件,哈尔滨电机厂研制了一台600t油压机,其使用效果良好,具有较大的推广价值。

    In order to repair and replace the parts of stator cores for large turbogenerators in their periodic overhaul on power plants , Harbin Electric Machinery Works developed the oil press , which has larger value to be extended and good use effect .

  7. 所有建筑物都有适当维护及定期检修吗?

    Are the buildings properly maintained by periodic inspection and repair ?

  8. 所有的栅栏都会定期检修吗?

    Are all fences being taken regular inspection for integrity and damage ?

  9. 厂房的电气,自动化设备以及控制系统的定期检修。

    Preventive maintenance of plant electric and automatic equipment and control system .

  10. 使用本保养体系,您将发现定期检修会变成一种自觉行动。

    Using this system , you 'll find routine check-ups become automatic .

  11. 目前,继电保护装置主要实行定期检修方式。

    Currently , the major overhaul of protection devices is the implementation of preventive maintenance approach .

  12. 所有汽车都需要定期检修。

    All cars require servicing regularly .

  13. 目前我国铁路上主要采用预防性试验结合定期检修的方法来保障电气设备的安全运行。

    At present , railway operation department uses preventive test and regular overhauling to ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment .

  14. 提出应在定期检修的基础上加大状态检修力度,最终实现预知检修。

    A suggestion was given that we should enforce CBM on the basis of TBM , to realize maintenance on forecast finally .

  15. 通过对模具故障模式的分析,确立定期检修是一种适用于当前模具维修的方式。

    Abstract Based on the basis of analysing pattern of die fault , determine that regular overhauling is an available mode for die maintenance .

  16. 随着电力企业向市场化迈进,供电设备的检修工作,由状态检修代替定期检修是必然的。

    With the development of power supply market it is necessary to replace the traditional stated maintenance with condition based maintenance for power supply equipments .

  17. 在未来相当长的时间内,我国都将面临着大量隧道需要定期检修、维护的状况。

    For a long time in the future , our country will be faced with the status that a large number of tunnels need regular maintenance .

  18. 目前,电力系统的检修体制正由定期检修向状态检修转变,而状态检修是以了解设备的运行状态为基础的。

    At present , the maintenance system transforms from regular maintenance to condition-based maintenance . The condition-based maintenance is based on comprehending the device operational status .

  19. 状态检修是一种较定期检修方式更能降低维修成本、缩短检修停电事件、提高设备利用率的检修方式。

    Condition-based maintenance is a sort of maintenance better than the regular maintenance to reduce maintenance costs , reduce maintenance outage events , and improve equipment utilization .

  20. 选择设备的检修方式、降低设备的维护费用、合理改变定期检修的时间间隔是目前比较热门的问题。

    Selecting the way to maintain equipment , cutting into the cost to maintain equipment , changing the interval between two time-based maintenance reasonably are currently investigated worldly .

  21. 传统的电气设备检测方法有定期检修和状态检修等,包括后来发展起来的带电检测手段,曾经对预防电力设备发生重大故障起到了突出的作用。

    Traditional fault detection methods for electrical equipment are regular maintenance and state maintenance . These methods hav played a prominent role in the prevention of electrical fault .

  22. 传统的定期检修已不能满足高压输变电设备安全运行的要求,以状态检修代替定期检修已成为电力系统设备检修的必然趋势。

    With rapid development of power system , the traditional periodical maintenance can not meet the need of secure operation of high voltage equipments for power transmission and transformation .

  23. 超精密车床安装、调试及定期检修都需要进行主轴偏角的检测与调整,以提高车床加工精度。

    With the destination to increase the accuracy of ultra precision lathe , it is necessary to measure and regulate this parameter while installing , adjusting and periodical inspection it .

  24. 现在企业中多采用定期检修的方式,不仅仍然不能最大程度的减少生产系统出现的问题,企业还需要为此付出昂贵的经济支出。

    Now many enterprises adopt the method of regular maintenance . This not only cannot decrease the problems in manufacturing system , but also enterprises need to pay the expensive economic expenditure .

  25. 结果表明该系统运行稳定可靠,其结果可以对全电子计算机联锁系统的定期检修维护提供依据。

    The results show that the system operation is stable and reliable , and the results can be used to provide evidence for the regular maintenance of all electronic computer interlocking system .

  26. 变电二次设备传统的定期检修制度,是以时间为基础的,它缺乏对设备的综合分析,并且依靠手段落后的人工统计方法来指导设备检修,往往不是检修过量,就是检修不足。

    The traditional maintenance method in Secondary device is based on time , this method lacks a comprehensive analysis on the devices , and depends on statistics of manual work to maintain devices .

  27. 我公司是集炼油、化工、等多套生产装置为一体的大型石油化工企业,公司的动设备数量众多,每年用于设备故障维修和定期检修费用非常高。

    Our company is a large Petrol-chemical enterprise with lot sets of refinery and chemical equipments , and the periodic maintenance and monitoring cost is very high since so many machines need take care .

  28. 设备状态检修是一种先进的检修管理方式,能有效地克服定期检修造成设备过修或失修的问题,提高设备的安全性和可用性。

    As an advanced maintenance management means , state maintenance of equipments can effectively overcome the problems of over or under maintenance in periodic mode , thus improving the security and availability of the equipments .

  29. 长期以来国内多数电力企业均采用定期检修和故障检修,这两种维修方式不能准确地反映设备的客观需要,会出现维修不足或维修过度。

    Most of domestic electric power enterprises have been using termly maintenance and fault maintenance for a long-term , nether of which can reflect the external needs of equipments exactly and may maintain them insufficiently or overly .

  30. 按照维修制度,空压机应定期检修,维修后的空压机须判断性能是否满足要求,这对列车安全显得相当重要。

    According to the maintenance system , the air compressor should be maintained regularly , so that the air compressor performance can meet the requirements of safety , and this is very important for the safety of light rail .