
dìng é
  • quota;norm;standard;ration;allotment;quantum;allotment standard
定额 [dìng é]
  • (1) [quota;allotment]∶被允许参加某种活动或机构的少数集团成员的固定数额或百分比

  • (2) [norm;standard]∶确定的数量标准

定额[dìng é]
  1. 今天,这个生产小组超额完成了定额。

    The production group has overfulfilled the quota today .

  2. 这样短的期限,要了我的命也完成不了定额。

    I cannot fulfil the quota in such a short time even if I kill myself .

  3. 约翰完成生产定额大大超过他的同事们。

    In fulfilling the production quotas , John made rings round all his fellow workers .

  4. 另外,还可以建立校内托管场所,按接收学生数量定额拨付专项经费。

    In addition , after-school programs can be set up inside the school , and budgets are set aside for such programs .

  5. 应用BP网络测算造船作业任务包定额工时

    Man-hour Calculation of Working Package using Error Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network

  6. 基于ASP的石油专业工程定额系统的开发与管理

    Development and Management of Petroleum Engineering Quota System Based on ASP

  7. 将影响时间定额的因素映射成与工序状态有关的零件特征Agent和加工方法Agent。

    The method can map the factors influencing time quota into part agent related to process condition and machining method agent .

  8. CAPP系统中机械加工工时定额子系统的开发

    Development of man-hour quota subsystem of machining in CAPP system

  9. 注塑模具CAPP系统工时定额模块的研究与开发

    Study and Development on the Time Quota Module for Injection Mould CAPP System

  10. 用Excel表格编制材料定额

    Working Out Material Quota with Microsoft Excel Program

  11. CIMS环境下基于C/S模式的材料定额管理系统的研究

    Material ration management system based C / S for CIMS

  12. 分析了BP神经网络应用于新零件材料消耗预测的可行性,提出了采用BP神经网络实现对新零件材料消耗定额的预测方法。

    Thirdly , after analyzing the feasibility , a method of BP neural network which is used to establish a prediction model to predict the material consumption of new components is presented .

  13. 这种方法可同时满足工艺过程编制,工时定额制定和NC自动编程对于数据信息的需要,并且可提高信息的准确性和可靠性。

    The method can meet the needs of process planning , machining times sctting and NC automatic programming at the same time . It can advance accuracy and reliability of the informations .

  14. 针对多部门协同制定工时定额过程,提出了基于WEBService的协同工时定额体系结构,并对该体系结构的信息模型、功能结构、模块设计、工作流程以及数据信息的交流方法进行了研究。

    Because of Multisectoral collaboration on the development process of the Standard Time calculated , The collaborative architecture based on the Web Service is discussed . The information models , functional structure , modular design , workflow and methods exchanging data are studied .

  15. 但由于TBM的特殊性使其定额标准难以确定,给方案初选带来难度。

    Though the use of TBM has get great concern in China , it can 't confirm the quota , which make the scheme choice difficult .

  16. 论文完成了计算机辅助工时定额测算系统(ComputerAidedTimeQuotaPredeterminingSystem,CATQPS)的软件总体框架设计以及标准资料管理和定额测算模型管理等两个核心功能模块的系统实现。

    The overall frame of the Computer-Aided Time Quota Predetermining system software ( CATQPS ) was designed and two core function modules , namely the standard datum management module and the time quota predetermining model module were put into reality .

  17. 研究表明在NTS条件下的储水定额可以减少到750m~3/hm~2。

    The results showed that the storage irrigation norm can be lowered to 750m ~ 3 / hm ~ 2 with NTS system compared with conventional storage irrigation .

  18. 阐述如何采用计算机编制铁路工业劳动定额以及如何将劳动定额与企业的BOM表进行衔接,最终计算出产品各大部件及整个产品的劳动定额的方法。

    It was explained how to formulate the work quota for railway industry , how to link up the work quota and the enterprise BOM form , then computed the work quota of every part and the whole of the product finally .

  19. 针对企业级工时定额具有很强的预测性、经验性的特点,为实现系统的智能性、高效性,提出采用以CBR为主体,KBR为辅助的混合推理模式;

    Aiming at the characteristic of the man-hour rationing in the enterprise wide that emphasizes forecasting and using of experience and knowledge , this thesis brought forward and adopts a hybrid reasoning model composed by CBR and KBR to make the system more intelligent and efficient .

  20. 决定教职工的编制定额和工资标准;

    Determining the staff arrangement and quotas and the wage scales ;

  21. 第二部分,厘清定额发票推行的目的。

    Part two , clarify the purpose of the quota invoice .

  22. 建设工期定额水平及评审的研究

    On the Level and Appraisement for the Project Time Limit Quota

  23. 误差理论在建立施工定额中的应用研究

    Study on the application of error theory in compiling construction quota

  24. 济南市城市用水定额编制

    The Compilation of Water Use Quota in the City of Jinan

  25. 系统介绍了建筑工程定额原理与概预算课程建设的过程。

    The essay systematically introduces the process of the curriculum construction .

  26. 谈清单计价与定额计价的异同

    Similarities and differences between engineering bill pricing and fixed quota pricing

  27. 管附件定额与缺件管理系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Ship Pipe Quantity and Shortage Management System

  28. 使用《广东省建筑工程预算定额》应注意的问题

    Some Attentive Questions of Applying 98 Guangdong Construction Engineering Estimate Quota

  29. 低定额灌溉条件下农田土壤水蒸散模型的研究

    Study on evapotranspiration model of agricultural soil water under low irrigation

  30. 运用线性回归方法制定劳动定额

    Using the linear regression method to make the work quota