
zhí yè xìnɡ zhònɡ dú
  • occupational poisoning
  1. 职业性中毒常见于煤矿瓦斯爆炸。

    Occupational poisoning is common in coal mine gas explosion .

  2. 以口服中毒为主,职业性中毒多为皮肤刺激性反应。

    Skin stimulating response was the majority harm for occupational poisoning patients .

  3. 视觉电生理在职业性中毒临床的初步应用

    The change of visual electrophysiology on the patients of lead poisoning and

  4. 硫化氢急性职业性中毒的原因分析

    Analysis of Causes of Acute Occupational Hepatic Gas Poisoning

  5. 急性职业性中毒事故现场应急救援的研究

    Emergency Rescue against Acute Occupational Poisoning Accident

  6. 职业性中毒性肝病发病机理与诊断的研究&临床研究部分

    Diagnosis of Occupational Toxic Hepatopathy

  7. 二起发生在公共场所的职业性CO中毒的调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis on two Occurred in a Public Place of Occupational CO Poisoning

  8. 我们对7例职业性铅中毒病人和7例正常人进行了外周血淋巴细胞染色体畸变和SCE分析。

    The chromosomal aberration and SCE of lymphocytes in 7 cases of patients occupationally exposed to lead were studied and another 7 normal cases were taken as control .

  9. 职业性汞中毒患者心理健康状况评价:实验组患者的躯体化、抑郁、焦虑、恐惧症状与对照组比较差异有显著性意义(p0.05),提示实验组伴有心理躯体症状。

    Evaluation of psychosomatic symptoms in occupational mercury poisoning patients : the experimental group patients with symptoms of somatization , depression , anxiety , fear and other symptoms compared with control group significant difference ( p0.05 ) . Tip experimental group was accompanied by psychological somatic symptoms . 3 .

  10. 骨密度测量在职业性氟中毒诊断中的应用

    The evaluation of measurement of bone mineral density in vocational fluorosis

  11. 2007年济南市非职业性一氧化碳中毒事件情况分析

    Analysis of Non-occupational Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Events in Ji'nan in 2007

  12. 辽宁省非职业性一氧化碳中毒气象预报方法

    Meteorological forecast method on non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning in Liaoning province

  13. 北京非职业性一氧化碳中毒气象条件分析

    Meteorological Conditions Analysis of Non-Occupational Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Beijing

  14. 谈高污染人群的职业性铅中毒及其预防措施

    High-polluted crowd of occupational lead poisoning and its preventive measures

  15. 职业性苯中毒早期生物监测指标筛选探讨

    Study on the early biological indicator of occupational benzene poisoning

  16. 以消化道症状为首发表现的亚急性非职业性铅中毒一例

    Subacute nonoccupational lead poisoning patients with digestive symptom as the first presentation

  17. 重庆市1997~2002年职业性急性中毒事故调查分析

    Analysis on the acute occupational poisoning from 1997 to 2002 in Chongqing city

  18. 职业性丙烯酰胺中毒调查

    A Survey on Acrylamide Poisoning in Occupationally Exposed Workers

  19. 尿液低分子量蛋白测定在慢性职业性镉中毒诊断中的意义及方法评定

    Significance of Urinary Low Molecular Protein Determination in Diagnosing Chronic Occupational Cadmium Poisoning

  20. 职业性铅中毒致肝损伤5例分析

    Hepatic damage in 5 patients with occupational lead poisoning

  21. 目的对职业性汞中毒观察对象进行现场驱汞治疗。

    Objective The study aimed to treat occupational mercury poisoning of observed participants .

  22. 职业性铅中毒工人某些内分泌腺功能研究

    Study on the Function of Endocrine Glands in Workers of occupational Lead poisoning

  23. 60例职业性苯中毒患者周围血异常细胞分析

    Study on abnormal peripheral blood cells in 60 cases of occupational benzene intoxication

  24. 口服谷胱甘肽治疗若干职业性金属中毒的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Oral Administration of Glutathione in the Treatment for Occupational Metal Poisoning

  25. 职业性三氯乙烯中毒死亡病例的调查

    Investigation on an Occupational Trichloroethylene Poisoning with Death

  26. 慢性职业性铅中毒肾功能观察

    Observations on Renal Function in Occupational Chronic Plumbism

  27. 结论:1.职业性汞中毒患者存在焦虑抑郁等情绪障碍。

    Occupational mercury poisoning patients shows more anxiety and depression emotional disorder . 2 .

  28. 职业性慢性中毒性肝病诊断的研究

    Studies on Diagnosis for occupationally Chronic Toxic Hepatopathy

  29. 25起职业性急性中毒事故分析

    Analysis of 25 Episodes of Acute Occupational Poisoning Accidents and Studies on Its Preventive Strategy

  30. 结论家具行业职业性苯中毒的干预措施不失为一种经济、可行、有效的方法,能有效控制家具行业职业性苯中毒的危害。

    Conclusion This intervention measures was economical , feasible and effective for controlling occupational diseases .