
  • 网络occupational environment;Occupations with exposure
  1. 开发职业环境,提升高职毕业生就业力

    Developing occupational environment to enhance employment ability of higher vocational graduates

  2. 因此可以说,在职业环境的环境风险相较于其他环境体系也更大。

    Therefore , the environmental risk in the occupational environment is bigger .

  3. 论高职院校校内实践教学基地的职业环境

    On the Vocational Environment of Teaching and Practicing Base of Polytechnic

  4. 知识女性职业环境因素调查分析

    Discuss the Relation of the Occupation Environment Factors in Knowledge Female

  5. 本研究不仅从现代医学领域探讨亚健康状态形成的原因,更为重要的是研究职业环境、社会心理等因素对亚健康状态的影响。

    But more of these studies only discuss on theory of sub-health condition .

  6. 职业环境变迁视角下的高职课程改革理念创新

    Innovation of Vocational Curriculum Reform Concept from the Perspective of Occupational Environment Changes

  7. 完善健美操指导员等级制度,形成良好的职业环境。

    To perfect the grade system of aerobic instructor , shaping favorable occupation environment .

  8. 护理人员职业环境危害因素的研究进展

    The Research Progress of Nursing Occupational Hazards

  9. 调查了上海地区12个单位有中央空调的视屏显示终端室内的职业环境。

    Occupational environment in 12 VDT workrooms with central air conditioner was investigated in Shanghai .

  10. 视屏显示终端室职业环境的卫生学调查

    Investigation of occupational environment in VDT workroom

  11. 审计职业环境案例研究

    Audit professional environment case research

  12. 探讨会计造假的原因及防范措施,认为会计造假的根本原因是经济利益的驱动以及会计工作职业环境不佳。

    The basic reason for accounting fabrication are economic benefits drive of accountants and the worse accounting environment .

  13. 输煤系统的粉尘污染问题是燃煤电厂职业环境比较关注的焦点。

    Dust contamination of the coal handling system is a problem that power plant professional environment pay attention to .

  14. 生活在这个社会中的人,只要从事各种生产活动,都不可避免地要接触到各种职业环境。

    Anyone in society will unavoidably meet with various occupational environments as long as he engages in productive activities .

  15. 究其原因,主要是价值观念冲突、职业环境和道德素质偏低。

    The main reasons are the shock of value views , complex professional environment and lower in the ethic quality .

  16. 加强实践教学,营造职业环境是高职学生职业素质养成的重要途径。

    To strengthen the practical teaching and to build professional environment is the important way to foster the student 's professional qualities .

  17. 课程居于学校教育的核心,任何课程上的变革,必然都会带来教师职业环境的重建与职业行为的改变。

    Curriculum is the core of school . Any curriculum reform must reconstruct the teacher professional environment and change the professional behavior .

  18. 对中小学教师复原力的研究有助于帮助教师群体在其复杂的职业环境中得到更好的发展,提高工作绩效。

    On the resilience of teachers helping teachers help groups in the complex environment of better career development , enhance work performance .

  19. 职业环境是审计理论研究的基础,而案例研究则是诠释审计职业环境的最佳路径。

    Professional environment is the basis of audit theory research while case research is the optimum method to explain audit professional environment .

  20. 然而,在职业环境下,你确实需要告诉别人你很优秀,否则他们永远都不知道。

    However , in a professional setting , you do have to tell everyone that you 're great or they might never know .

  21. 我国大学生社会实践内容和形式单一,与了解职业环境相关的社会实践活动缺乏。

    The college students ' social practice contents and forms were single , and lack of the understanding of the relevant occupational environment of social practice activity .

  22. 15种需要因子排序最重要的5项为睡眠及休息、躯体健康、职业环境、自我发展、个人能力;

    Among the fifteen needs , the most important five were : sleep and rest , physical health , occupational environment , self-development , and individual ability .

  23. 关于非职业环境大气中的致癌物问题,美国国家科学院大气污染生物效应委员会已作了详尽的论述。

    The issue of airborn carcinogens in the non-occupational environment was thoroughly reviewed by the Committee on Biologic Effects of Atmospheric Pollutions of the National Academy of Sciences .

  24. 高等技术教育人才培养模式的改革必须围绕培养目标的定位、教学模式的构建、培养机制的优化、职业环境的营造、教学方式的变革和师资队伍的建设进行。

    The reform of talents training model in higher technical edcation must center on orientation of education , optimization of the training system and building of the teaching staff .

  25. 5年后,两个孩子(一个8岁,一个5岁)上学了,她怀念起职业环境,决定重返职场。

    Five years later , with her two boys , aged eight and five , in school , she missed being in a professional environment and decided to go back .

  26. 审计师应完善技术、坚守理念、提高话语权和做出实质性社会贡献,以顺应审计职业环境的要求。

    Auditors should perfect techniques , stick to convictions , raise its voice and deliver physical contributions to the society in order to be compliant with the demand of audit professional environment .

  27. 这要取决于该项运动发展的规模,以及签署者如何处理学生时代的信仰与即将进入的职业环境之间的冲突。

    It depends how much bigger the movement grows and how the signatories cope with the clash between their student beliefs and the world of work as they are about to find it .

  28. 不同的职业环境对人才的需求,除了对专业和学历层次等外在因素存在差异,对个体的性格和潜质的要求也是不尽相同的。

    Different occupational environment demands for the different talent in addition to the professional and academic qualifications at the level of external factors on individual differences in personality and the requirements of the potential .

  29. 而与此同时,作为主要通过人工改造所形成的环境体系,人们在职业环境中所接触到的各种含有化学的、放射性等危险性物质的几率要远大于其在其他环境中所可能接触到的量。

    Meanwhile , in the occupational environment , a mainly man-made environmental system , the opportunity to be exposed to those chemical , radioactive and dangerous materials is far more than in other environments .

  30. 空气环境污染,重金属等引起的水污染,食品污染等,生活用品污染以及职业环境条件等因素均与心血管疾病的发生发展密切相关。

    Many factors are closely related to the occurrence and development of cardiovascular disease , such as air pollution , water and food pollution caused by heavy metals , and a variety of other factors .