
  1. 高校教职工考核工作的实践与思考

    Reflections on the examination of working achievements of the college staff

  2. 教职工考核评价系统的实现

    Realization of Assessment System of Faculty

  3. 学校管理文化和制度文化建设要与学校文化建设整体推进,与思想政治工作和职工考核评价的创新结合起来。

    The cultural management and systemic management should be practiced together with the thought and political work and reformation of the teachers ' evaluation .

  4. 将模糊数学概念引入AHP中构成模糊AHP,运用于企业职工绩效考核,可以提高绩效考核的科学性和可靠性,以利调动职工积极性、创造性。

    The paper introduces the fuzzy concept into AHP and thus fuzzy AHP comes into being . Fuzzy AHP can be used to evaluate employee 's performance and make the evaluation more scientific and reliable so as to enhance the initiative and creativity of employee .

  5. 职工年终考核综合评价方法探讨

    Probe into the Method of Comprehensive Evaluation on Employees ' Year-end Assessment

  6. 模糊理论在职工绩效考核中的应用研究

    Application of Fuzzy Theory on Evaluation of Employee 's Performance

  7. 教职工量化考核的制度框架及改变

    The Quantitative Check-System for the Staff Its Frame and Improvement

  8. 高校教职工年度考核工作中的存在问题及对策探析

    Discuss on the annual work assessment of college faculty

  9. 医院职工绩效考核的应用及注意的问题

    Application of hospital staff performance assessment and issues to which attention should be paid

  10. 建立高校教职工绩效考核体系和激励机制的思考

    Reflection on Establishing a System of Performance of Evaluation and Inspiring Mechanism-among College Teachers and Staff Members

  11. 民族医学院校教职工年度考核评优失真问题及对策

    Discuss the Distortion in " Selecting the Best " and Solution to it in Annual Examination of Medical College for Nationalities

  12. 四维考核法:一种易于实践的高校图书馆窗口部门职工年终考核办法

    Four-Dimensionality Checking Measure & A Kind of Easy Year-End Checking Measure for the Librarian of Service Departments of the University Library

  13. 该系统主要用于煤矿下井职工的出勤考核、理。

    This paper briefly introduces the main features , structure and working principle of the system .

  14. 基于VRML的盐业职工技能培训与考核系统

    The Skill Training and Testing System Based on VRML for Salter

  15. 二是不断提升四大国有商业银行的职工素质,为职工的年终考核设立一套行之有效,能很好的将激励和约束机制融合一起的制度,提高经营效率。

    Second , to continuously upgrade the quality of workers in the big four state-owned commercial banks , and to establish an effective year-end assessment for this workers and a good incentive and restraint mechanisms will be a great progress to improve operational efficiency .

  16. 尤其是大中型规模的企业,针对职工基本信息管理、信息查询、职工出勤考核等方面都实现了信息化。

    This is especially true for the enterprises of medium and large scale which rely on the information management to be efficient . For example , it is commonly required to manage the basic staff information , to provide the information query interface and to track the staff attendance .